Found between 102-104 degrees Fahrenheit, average being 102.5.
What is the temperature of a goat?
The breed of dairy goat who has small elf or gopher ears.
What is Lamancha?
Baby goats are called this.
What are kids?
The most important nutrient for all animals.
What is water?
Goats have this many stomach compartments.
What is four?
The length of gestation for goats.
What is 146 to 155 days?
The breed of dairy goat that is known for producing the most milk.
What is Saanen?
Dairy goats are best known for producing this mixture composed of water, fat, protein and lactose.
What is milk?
The amount of weight a pack goat can carry assuming it is in good condition.
What is 30%?
Ruminants chew this regurgitated partially digested food for further chewing as part of the rumination process.
What is cud?
Unlike sheep, goats need this mineral but too much of however can cause toxicity with symptoms including anemia, jaundice and bloody urine.
What is copper?
The breed of diary goat that is the smallest according to the AGDA.
What is the Nigerian Dwarf?
The shape of a goat's pupil.
What is rectangle?
The American president who is known for having two goats, Nanny & Nanko, that his son Tad raced around the white house using a homemade chariot.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
This should be fed to all ruminants. This is also known as roughage.
What is hay?
This period in a bucks' life is characterized by a decrease in appetite, obsessive interest in the does, fighting with other bucks and most notable is a strong foul-smelly musky odor.
What is rut?
The breed of goat that is most commonly raised for meat production.
What is the Boer?
Part of the goat that produces and holds the milk.
What is the udder?
Goats are known to be immune to these plants, plants that humans can have allergic reactions to.
What are poison ivy and poison oak?
Hoofed animals with a unique digestive system allows them to efficiently use energy from plant material.
What is a ruminant?
Mineral that is scarce in Michigan that can be supplemented in feed, salt or booster shot.
What is Selenium?
This breed is a dual purpose breed known for having milk high in butter fat, for having long pendulous ears and is sometimes used as a meat type goat.
What is Nubian?
This incredibly soft goat undercoat is used to create luxurious and expensive sweaters.
What is cashmere?
This should be offered free choice to goats so they can eat it to help settle their stomach.
What is Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda?
The four stomach compartments of a ruminant.
What is the Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum & Abomasum?