Weekly chapter meetings are conducted according to _____.
Robert's Rules of Order
Dues are a given out by the ___.
Director of Chapter Finances
How much time in advance do you have to give the president or efficency chairwoman to still recieve efficency?
24 hours or more.
If you are not in good standing, are you still allowed to vote?
Who uphold our consitution and amendments?
Student Senate
___ or ___ keeps time during a meeting.
Parliamentarian or President
True or False: We can use chapter funds to purchase alcohol?
Who must you meet with for time or financial consideration?
President and other officers she sees fit
Financial can be treasurer
Officers and Chairwomen must respond to messages within ____.
2 business days
What percentage of efficency must you meet to maintain good standing?
CBM's must happen how many times a semester?
when is the chapter billed for national dues?
July 15th
What is the length of the New Member period?
4-8 weeks
True or False: Officers failing to uphold duties can be subject to honor council jursidiction, but cannot be removed from their position.
False. They are to be sent to honor council and can be removed from their position for failure to uphold duties
We currently follow a MLS leadership structure, what does that stand for?
Minimalist Leadership Structure
What are 3 things you cannot wear to a chapter meeting?
Sweatpants, crocs, pajamas, alcohol or drug-related apparel, athletic shorts, anything very revealing.
True or False: New members can be billed if they lose a new member pin?
All forms of alcohol (underage), drugs, illegal activity, or any of the above in letters cannot be posted on any social medias. If VP of Harm Reduction asks for a photo to be taken down, how many hours do they have to take it down?
12 Hours
A nominating committee is selected to review the years officer applications and create a slate. The nominating committee is made up of who and who serves and the committee lead?
1 person from each year and the committee lead is automatically the 4th year.
If a member in tri sigma is withdrawn or suspended from the university, when can they become an alum.
Not until a degree is earned
What percentage of members must be present to conduct business?
You have a budget of $400 for your chair. You want to buy something more than that. Can you go over that amount? and why?
Yes and No, you must follow the budget. Otherwise, the chapter can vote to expand the funds before the purchase.
A member may have her membership terminated by executive council on one or multiple of which 3 standards?
1. consistent failure to meet financial obligations
2. failure to uphold values, national/local bylaws, and becoming disruptive to the order
3. Engaging in unlawful conduct
what is the outcome of breaching confidentiality?
Not honor council, but a meeting with the chapter president and chapter advisor and any consequences are at the descretion of the president and chapter advisor.
Recite the creed from memory
We, the women of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority, throughout our lives,
strive to steadfastly uphold our vows and cherish our bonds of sisterhood;
to become inspired leaders;
to support causes greater than ourselves;
to seek wisdom and joy;
and to live purposeful lives of integrity, faith, empathy, understanding and love.