What is the age difference between me and Emma?
1 year
Who was my first friend at TBLS?
Who was my first kiss and how old was I?
Cameron, 16
Who owns a bike store?
Who was my celebrity crush?
Why did I dislike Orin before the rest of you?
The Daniel situation
What are my 2 majors?
ENST and NGOs Social Change
Where did I meet Jori?
Freshman seminar (Gay History in LA)
Which family member do I have blocked?
Uncle Mike
What town did I live in for the first decade of my life?
Long Beach
Who used to give me lollipops?
Name 2 cats that have been in my life in LA
Zion, Aja, Ash, Dorian, Beanie/Seda
How many girls have I kissed?
True/false: my sister identifies as bisexual
False (but she has kissed girls at the bar)
When was the last time I saw my mom?
When I was 16
Who lied to me and said he had a girlfriend when he didn't so I would be jealous?
What is the name of my boss that I reported for sexual harassment?
What is the name of the girl I was dating over the summer?
Why did my grandpa leave my Uncle Michael out of the will?
Because he came into his office and stole $500 and then stopped talking to my grandpa when he was accused of stealing it
Why did I get plastic surgery in fifth grade?
I fell off my bike and ripped open my chin
Who texted me this "You left me on read but we are not gonna talk about that"
When did I first think that Muna had a crush on me?
Last fall, when she wrote me a letter about her favorite memories and things about me and emailed it to me
Who was my first gay crush?
Gia (my big on cheer)