Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Vocabulary 3
The Past

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

During the recent excavation, the archaeology team was beyond excited to ___ a hidden chamber under the ancient ruins. 

a. uncover

b. cultivate

c. perpetuate

a. uncover


They used delicate tools to ___ even the smallest details, many of which could easily have been overlooked. 

a. cultivate

b. uphold

c. detect

c. detect


Which word/phrase means:

The ruling group or system which is in control 

a. establishment

b. discovery

c. excavation

a. establishment


Choose the correct tense to complete the sentence:

They had been hiking or hours when they finally reached the summit. The view ___ breathtaking.

a. was

b. had been

a. was


Complete the passive sentence. Choose the correct verb form:

The emergency procedures … in the student handbook.

a. outlines

b. have outlined

c. are outlined

c. are outlined


Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

As the team went further, they ___ some various artifacts which shed new light on the civilization's daily life. 

a. determined

b. unearthed

c. silenced

b. unearthed


Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

They will need to perform further analysis to ___ the approximate age of these treasures. 

a. perpetuate

b. determine

c. silence

b. determine


Which word/phrase means:

The lasting impact or influence that someone or something has after they’re gone?

a. hoard

b. initiative

c. legacy

c. legacy


Choose the correct tense:

The small thrift shop ___ vintage clothes and accessories for over a decade now. The quality is well known across the area, and they have attracted customers from all over the country.

a. had sold

b. has been selling

b. has been selling


Complete the passive sentence. Choose the correct verb form:

Did you read the manual yet? The instructions … clearly inside.

a. are stated

b. states

c. have stated

a. are stated


Complete the sentence with a vocabulary word/phrase:

While photographing and documenting the find, a junior archaeologist ___ a hidden compartment in the chamber wall.

stumbled upon


Which word means:

the act of digging in the ground to find ancient objects?



Which vocabulary word/phrase means:

To go against the commonly accepted version of events or ideas?

challenge the narrative


Your friend suddenly shows up at your apartment. What do you tell her?

If I ___ you were going to stop by, I would have baked some biscuits for us to enjoy!

a. had known

b. must have known

a. had known


Change the active sentences to make passive sentences:

They deliver mail every day.

Mail is delivered every day.


Complete the sentence with a vocabulary word/phrase:

Behind this wall, a ___ of valuable jewels was revealed.



Which word means:

small amounts or signs of something which was there before?



Which vocabulary word/phrase means:

To grow or develop something over a long period of time?



Complete the sentence with the verbs in the correct tense:

I ___(work) late at the office when I ___(get) an urgent call from my dad.

I was working late at the office when I got an urgent call from my dad.


Change the active sentences to make passive sentences:

Volunteers distributed food and water to the earthquake victims.

Food and water was distributed by volunteers to the earthquake victims.


Complete the sentence with a vocabulary word/phrase:

The team worked tirelessly to ___ the history and significance of these jewels.

piece together


Which word means:

A new plan or action which is meant to solve a problem or improve a situation?



Which vocabulary word/phrase means:

To keep something going, usually something which is negative?



Complete the sentence with the verbs in the correct tenses:

Kelly ___(save) money for years to one day buy a new gaming PC. Just last week, she finally had enough money and ___(bought) her dream PC this morning.

Kelly had been saving money for years to one day buy a new gaming PC. Just last week, she finally had enough money and bought her dream PC this morning.


Change the active sentences to make passive sentences:

The committee will announce the winner of the essay competition next week.

The winner of the essay competition will be announced next week.