People Who Did Stuff
What is in a Year
Define this please

Who was the father of Psychology

Who Is Wilhelm Wundt


In the beginning there was one small classroom in the middle of Germany about an hour south of Berlin.

What is 1879 and the first Psychology Lab


Theories are supposed to be parsimonious in their approach. Being parsimonious what is psychology

what is the study of the "psyche" or mind?


Who is considered the founder of American Psychology

Who is William James


When behavior is studied it must be observable and this was the year we first saw the light

What is 1949 and Behaviorism


Using this definition.
If you cannot see it then you cannot measure it." Therefore the only thing you can really observe in a human was established in the middle of the last century. 

what is behavior


Who developed Operant Conditioning

Who is B. F. Skinner


It is a dog eat dog world when bells are sounding and saliva is flowing 

What is 1897 and Classical Conditioning

In an experiment there are many variable to consider. One is independent in the experiment.

What is the variable that can and usually is manipulated by the experimenter. 


This person could be considered to have founded one of the more sexy psychological theories when analyzed

Who is Sigmund Freud

She was the first but certainly not the last to lead the organization that oversees the field of psychology in the United States. 

Who is Mary Whiton Calkins and the APA


Within this organization there are many levels and degrees. There are over 50 _________ and 100 _______.

What are divisions and sections of the APA


If you have needs and do not understand the order in which they should be met so that you can actualize your dreams. You would ask this person 

Who is Abraham Maslow
Behaviorist and a Linguist walk into a classroom. The begin to debate language development, but cannot find the words to agree. 

What is 1959 and who are B. F. Skinner and Noam Chomsky and is language learned or innate?


Cognitive, Social, Clinical, Behavioral, Biological combine to create a foundation and hold up the other sub sections.

What are the five pillars of Psychology
