The professor decided cancelling the exam and giving everyone 10s.
to cancel
I would like to discuss plans for the exam revision, just so we are all ____ the same page.
The teaching assistant asked if/whether or not she had to mark all the papers by Friday.
The essay draws a(n) ________ contrast between life beofre and after the Industrial Revolution.
a. severe
b. bitter
c. edgy
d. sharp
d. sharp
Josie persuaded reading her uncle her short story and tell her what he thought.
I'll explain what happened in detail, but ___ a nutshell, the teacher had to resign for stealing the exams.
The dean questioned his / if using a paid service to write a paper.
Don't forget to _________ your sources, you don't want to get accused of stealing information.
a. quote
b. cite
c. name
d. refer
b. cite
Remind of me what units the exam on Friday will cover.
Don't plagiarize or you'll learn the ____ way what happens to those who do.
The student categorically admitted / denied stealing exam papers prior to being examined.
I enjoy my Physics course because my teacher is so ________ to questions.
a. retentive
b. respective
c. receptive
d. repetitive
c. receptive
Micheal insisted to rewrite on his essay, even though it was nearly perfect.
Micheal insisted on rewriting / that he rewrite
There are so few experiments using this theory so it will be hard to come ____ a precedent.
come by
Professor Burns didn't waste time wondering how / who every student in his class got the same mark.
This machinery is complex and rather demanding, itĺl take you some time to learn the ______.
a. lines
b. cords
c. ropes
d. cables
c. ropes
They informed that the university its license would be revoked.
Due to excessive socializing, Ms Amber's work began to mount ___.
Helen suspected to use / using Jill's notes as a study guide woul dbe a mistake.
Dua Lipa spent 14 months __________ all the information for her dissertation.
a. commending
b. conducting
c. compiling
d. condoning
c. compiling