The number of countries Annika has been to.
What is 8?
Abigail's dream career as a child.
What is a veterinarian?
The name of Cho's violin.
What is Theodore?
Name Claire's biggest fear.
What is being buried alive?
"Sorry edifying speech. Your American."
Who is Lydia?
Name the major sports event that happened on the day Annika was born.
What is the Superbowl?
Name Abigail's biggest fear.
The number of house parties Cho has attended while at FSU.
What is 1?
Name Claire's favorite song that she also knows every word to including the rap in the middle (Hint: it's by Ariana Grande)
What is Problem?
"I just don't like guys."
Who is Jenna?
The location of Annika's first kiss.
What is her house?
Name Abigail's childhood crush
Who is Prince Caspian (a.k.a. Ben Barnes)?
The last guy Cho texted?
(+300 points if you say what it was about)
The name of Claire's top artist for 2024.
What is Josiah Queen?
"Asians don't count they are like spies."
Who is Cho?
The number of piercings Annika has.
What is 6?
The number of pets Abigail has owned at the same time.
What is 9?
The person Cho liked in November of junior year.
Who is Marc?
The name of Claire's favorite childhood show.
What is Curious George?
"I don't like this pony because its brown."
Who is Claire?
What is Benson Boone?
Name Abigail's hidden talent (hint it has something to do with animals).
What is she knows how to express dog glands?
The number 'music recently' post Cho in on in her Instagram posts.
What is 43?
The last text Claire sent.
(+500 points if you say what is was about)
"Their bodies were in sync."
Who is Tara?