A type of government in which no one is in control:
In the ancient kingdom of Arvania, King Eldrin claims that he was chosen by the gods to rule. The high priests declare that his bloodline is sacred and that questioning his authority is a sin. The people accept his rule without question, believing that obeying him is obeying the gods.
Which theory of government does this represent?
Divine Right Theory
The First Amendment freedom that allows citizens to express their opinions without government censorship is known as
Freedom of Speech
Principle of citizenship, meaning "right of the soil," grants U.S. citizenship to anyone born on U.S. soil, regardless of their parents' nationality.
Jus soli
How many branches of government does the United States have?
Identify the two types of autocracies.
Monarchies and Dictatorships
A group of settlers arrives in a new land and decides to create a government based on mutual agreement. They write a constitution, elect leaders, and establish laws that benefit everyone. Each person agrees to follow the rules in exchange for protection and order.
Which theory of government does this represent?
Social Contract Theory
Jury Duty
A right or a responsibility of a US Citizen?
Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution defines citizenship?
The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these three words?
"We the People"
True or False: A theocracy can also be a democracy.
True - Republic of Iran
A powerful warlord named General Varkon leads his army to conquer neighboring lands. After seizing control, he declares himself the supreme ruler and forces the people to obey his laws. Those who resist are met with swift punishment. His rule is maintained through military strength and fear.
Identify the theory and the type of government.
Force Theory - Dictatorship (autocracy)
True or False: Voting in elections is mandatory for all US Citizens.
Bob became a U.S. citizen through naturalization 10 years ago. However, it was later discovered that he had lied about his criminal background during the application process. The U.S. government takes action to strip him of his citizenship.
What is this process called?
What type of government does the United States have?
Democratic Republic
Explain why the United States cannot feasibly sustain a direct democracy system of government.
Country is too populous - nothing would be accomplished
In the small village of Eldoria, leadership passes down through generations. The eldest member of the tribe follows traditions that have been passed down for centuries, and leadership naturally evolves as families grow. The leader of this tribe is purely a ceremonial leader and the government's powers are derived from a lawbook that the parliament must consult.
Identify the theory of government and type of government in this scenario.
Evolutionary Theory/Constitutional Monarchy
Identify one right reserved only for US citizens.
Running for federal office, voting
True or False: If you served honorably in the U.S. armed forces for at least one year at any time, you may be eligible to apply for naturalization.
Name 3 of the Original 13 colonies
List the 4 characteristics of a "state"
population, territory, sovereignty, government
Identify the Enlightenment thinker who argued that people have natural rights to life, liberty, and property and that governments exist only with the consent of the governed. His ideas heavily influenced modern democracy and the U.S. Declaration of Independence.
John Locke
Petitioning the government
A right or a responsibility?
The United States has experienced multiple waves of immigration throughout its existence. Between 1880 and 1920, millions of people from Southern and Eastern Europe arrived in the United States.
Identify 1 push factor and 1 pull factor that explains this wave of immigration.
Push - The rise of authoritarian dictatorships, WWI, compulsory service,
Pull - economics, freedom of religion
Identify the Supreme Law of the Land
The US Constitution