The duration of action of Nocita
What is 3 days
I'm the normal time of a CRT
What is less than 2 seconds
I reverse Hydromorphone
What is Naloxone
I'm a good block for a tail amputation
I protect the airway
What is an endotracheal tube
I'm Hydromorphone. How can I be given
What is IV, SQ, IM
I'm a place you can feel pulses
What is Femoral, sublingual, dorsal pedal
I reverse DexDomitor
What is Antiseden
I'm the block for a limb amputation
What is an epidural
I will kill you if left closed
Pop off valve
I have an open fracture. What is my pain score
What is a hemoabdomen
I can help with a slow heart rate
What is Atropine
I'm the block for feral cat neuter
What is a testicular block
I'm an old dehydrated skinny. What can we check?
What is Urine Specific Gravity
I'm Buprenorphine. How long do I last
4-6 hours
I'm a cat. My heart rate is 70. Is this ok?
What is no
I can help if your heart stopped
I'm the block for an enucleation
What is retrobulbar block
Common phrase for very sick animal surgery
What is "Get in Get Out"
Iso is off, fluids not helping. Try me
What is Dopamine
I'm 8 weeks old. My MAP is 58. Is this ok?
What is yes
I can help if my airway swelled up
What is DexSP
I'm the block for a GI foreign body
I'm a 5 year old cat with a grade 4 murmur. What's my ASA