Where do you stand when waiting for lunch?
In a line, down the hallway
Can you switch rooms during a block?
Should you separate from your group on a field trip?
No, your counselor should always know where you are
How many people are allowed in a bathroom stall at a time?
When you are done eating lunch, how do you know when you can dump your plate?
When a counselor dismisses your table
When do you sign up for blocks? (2 answers)
In the morning and after lunch
How do we sit on the bus? What should it look like / sound like?
On your bottom with no body parts in the hallway and quiet to not distract the driver.
When in the hallway how should you look and sound?
Walking feet, queitly moving to your next destination.
What should you do after dumping your plate?
Wash your hands, sign up, and get in line
How many blocks will you be inside / outside?
two inside and two outside
When getting on and off the bus what should you do?
Line up against the side of the bus for attendance.
(100 bonus points if you said thank the bus driver!)
If the bathroom is full where should you wait your turn?
In the hallway
Should the lunchroom look the same as we found it? If you make accidentally spill what should you do?
yes, tell a counselor and help clean it up
If there is not a counselor in a room or area outside can you be in that room / area?
No, you have to wait in the hallway or if outside, choose somewhere else to be.
When on a field trip you are given a bracelet, where should those be? Can you take them off?
On your wrist or your ankle. They need to stay on at all times.
If you see someone who needs help what should you do?
Tell a counselor
How many glasses of milk can you have? If you are still thirsty what could you do?
1 and fill your cup with water
When going outside what do you need to have applied first? Are you allowed to put it on yourself?
When on a field trip we are showing others how great we are! What are some ways we can leave a good impression?
clean up after ourselves, be respectful, etc.
How often do we call bathroom breaks when outside? Should you wait until after a break to ask?
Every 30 minutes and no, you should go when a break is called (unless its an emergency)