How many days did it take God to create the world?
What did God create on day 6?
Adam and Eve
Who are Jesus' parents?
Mary and Joseph
Why did Jesus's family travel to Jerusalem?
To celebrate Passover
Who asked John to baptize him?
Why did God create the world?
For His glory
What one command did God give Adam and Eve?
They could not eat from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Who came to speak to Mary?
How old was Jesus in this story?
Why was Jesus baptized?
To obey God, to set an example for us
What did God create on the 1st day?
Light and Darkness
What is sin?
Breaking God's law
Where was Jesus born?
Bethlehem, in a barn, Mary put him in a manger
Where did Mary and Joseph find Jesus?
At the temple
Who baptized Jesus?
What did God do on the 7th day?
He rested
What did God give to Moses?
The 10 Commandments
Who were the first ones to hear about the Savior's birth?
The shepherds
What was Jesus doing at the temple?
Listening to the teachers and asking them questions
Where was Jesus baptized?
In the Jordan River
What did God say at the end of each day of creation?
"It is good"
What is the most important commandment?
Love God more than anything else
Why was Jesus born?
To save us from our sins
Why did Jesus say he was at the temple?
He had to be in his Father's house
What does Obedience mean?
Listening to and following through with instructions from those in authority