Who we are/
Who we serve
Fun facts
about our folks
What students get
out of our program
What program requirements look like
What our numbers say

We are a federally funded program that serves around 400 students who are first-generation, limited-income, and/or students with disabilities from the time they come into CSU until the time they graduate! 

Who is TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) in the Academic Advancement Center (AAC)


I have previously worked in local government where I championed accessibility and inclusive community engagement initiatives.

Who is the one and only USS coordinator, Jelitza Garcia-Martinez? 


- Holistic support through 1:1 mentorship 

-Knowledge of university systems and connection to campus resources 

-Academic support and resources 

-Professional development through career readiness 

-Leadership development 

-Financial literacy and financial awards 

-Opportunities to engage in research and civic engagement projects 

- Personal growth and identity opportunities with an emphasis on DEI 

-First-generation programming 

-Foundation specific programming and opportunities 

-Connection to their peers through events 

Scholar Success Programs


Students must be FAFSA Eligible, enrolled at CSU within their first-year (24 college credits or less), have a background in seasonal/temporarily agricultural work.
Students must also commit to a first-year seminar, participate in engagement opportunities, attend 1:1 wellness/success meetings with their scholar contact, and log 3 hours of studying per week in our lab.

Who is CAMP?


100% of our students belong here, adding to the overall CSU experience by sharing their talents, skills, perspectives, and interests!

Who are Undocumented Student Success participants? 


We serve 30 first-year students from migrant farm-working backgrounds and/or seasonal and temporary agricultural workers or their dependents. 

Who is College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)


We have a range fun facts for folks in our office, one staff who loves horror movies/books, one who has visited 49 states in the US, one that can play 5 different instruments, and one who is a really good roller skater! 

Who are the awesome CAMP staff? 


STUDENTS GET SO MANY THINGS; including but not limited to: holistic personal/professional/academic support, dedicated staff and peer coaches, a community of connectedness, $cholarship$, travel opportunities, in-person and online resources, referrals, and more! 

Who is our TRIO SSS Classic and STEM programs?


BASECAMP workshops around academic success, financial wellness and personal growth for incoming students. 

TRAILHEAD workshops around leadership involvement and career readiness for second year students. 

INCLINE and SUMMIT for third- and fourth-year students to engage in in-depth programming around research, civic engagement, career readiness, DEI.  

Students also engage in one on one and group meetings with their scholar contacts. 


Who is Scholar Success Programs


-96.3% of our students enrolled for their second-year college experience!
-The overall GPA for our students is a 2.9!
-87% of our students identify as first-generation students!

Who are the College Migrant Assistance Program students? 


Serves Foundation scholar programs, many of whom are outside of CSU. We also serve students who are receiving Partnership awards.

Who is Scholar Success Programs


Folks on our team include: multiple Lego Masters, a CSU Women's Rugby coach, a "Red Hot Spice Girls" former softball player, a hula hoop champion, Animal (Crossing) lovers, and general bad a$$e$!

Who is the Student Support Services?


Students here have access to guidance, community, a dedicated space, and the resources on campus and in the community that empower them to thrive academically and personally!
There are also Fellowship Opportunities available here as well as support with CSU scholarship applications, CASFA, the Colorado Application for State Financial Aid, and the Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF)!

Who is Undocumented Student Services (USS)?


No Program requirements, we aim to serve all students that identify as undocumented on campus.

Who is USS?


Compared to the 78% of eligible students, our objective is to have 83% of our scholars persist from fall to fall.
Compared to the 90% of eligible students, our objective is to have 94% of our scholars stay in good academic standing.
Compared to the 55% of eligible students, our objective is to have 62% of our scholars graduate within six years.

Who is the SSS with their ambitious and attainable grant goals?


We empower and support Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Advancing Students for a Stronger Tomorrow (ASSET), and undocumented students.

Who is Undocumented Student Success (USS)?


- Her first care was purple 

-This staff member wanted to be a marine biologist.  

-Snuck into the floor is Sza concert.  

-Loves to watch almost any and every sport 

 - favorite place is the beach and they always collect a shell from every trip  

 - Is a registered scuba diver 

– can wiggle their ears 

– loves reality TV 

– Was city champion for 400m dash 

– Really good at cooking and loves to bake 

 - When they moved to Colorado 3 years ago, they broke out in hives that required them to take Zyrtec every day. For some reason, those hives went away about a year ago without explanation and now they’re Zyrtec-free! 

– They collect postcards 

Scholar Success Programs

Aliyah, Miel, Yaneli, Olivia, Natalie, Michael, Myanne, Savanna, Jaela, Sol, Simon, Anna


Students in our program receive a partnership award, a monthly stipend during their first-year, 1:1 personalized support, access to a first-year seminar class, dedicated space on campus, and access to leadership development and enrichment opportunities. 

Who is the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)?


Students complete an online application in which they must self-identify that they are:
-a US citizen or permanent resident
-are enrolled at CSU Fort Collins and have a 2.0 or above GPA and are in Good Academic Standing
-have an academic need 

Who is TRIO SSS?


Programs hosted out of our unit reach students and professionals locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally! Our TRIO programs alone serve 3,087 learners.  In one particular program's cohort this past summer, participants had an average CSU GPA of 3.45.

Who Is The Access Center


This Unit made up of 6 federally funded Trio Programs and five university-funded programs.

Our youngest students are 11 year olds in 6th grade and our most senior participants can be of retirement age.

Who is The Access Center


- I am published Author   

- I won a spelling bee in 8th grade  

- I played the role of Cleopatra in a college production of Shakespeare's Ladies. 

-I have a pitbull that eats drywall and scared of her own shadow

Access Center

- Abraham L.

- Amy W.

- Dr. V

- Yulisa


Depends on the program, but usually a cool advisor that supports them through the college going process and opportunities to visit college campuses across the US and its territories. One program offers students 2 months of Dad Jokes and the opportunity to get acclimated to the academic rigor of the university, learn about the physical campus and its resources, and begin building their community of support before their first Fall Semester.  

The Access Center


It Depends! Some of our programs require eligibility for FAFSA and to show financial need while in other programs, students are eligible based on the HS they attend. One program just requires a student to be First-Gen and eligible for in-state tuition.  

Who is The Access Center



What is 2010

When C4E was started
