Who is the main character of the novel "1984" by George Orwell.
Winston Smith
Where does the main character of the book work?
The Ministry of Truth.
What are the 4 ministries run by Big Brother?
Ministry of Truth
Ministry of Peace
Ministry of Love
Ministry of Plenty
What are the 3 slogans of the party?
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
This character is the leader of the party and is always watching.
Big Brother
This device is everywhere and it can never be turned off or muted. It also watches and listens to you at all times.
What did the Ministry of love concern itself with?
Law and Order
What is the uniform of party members?
Blue overalls.
This character has a thick neck, a brutal face, and a prize fighter physique according to Winston Smith.
What would happen to the main character if he is caught writing journal entries in the book he purchased?
He would be punished by Death or by 25 years in a forced labor camp.
What 4 things did the Ministry of Truth concern itself with?
News, Entertainment, Education, and the Arts.
What was the ministry that scared the main character the most and why?
The Ministry of love because the building had no windows and it was heavily guarded, covered in barded wire and protected by men in black uniforms with machine guns.
This character is the focus of "two minutes hate" and was once a leading figure of the party. He is the enemy of the party for treacherous acts. PROVIDE FIRST AND LAST NAME TO GET POINTS
Emmanuel Goldstein
What events did the main character describe in his first journal entry? Explain what happened in great detail.
The main character was watching a war movie in which refugees were being shot and killed. People in the audience cheered when they saw the refugees being murdered. A woman complained about the graphic nature of the murders of refugees in the film being shown to children. She was taken away by the police.
What did the Ministry of peace concern itself with?
What did the Sandy haired girl do when big brother appeared on the screen during the two minutes of hate?
She leaped towards the screen and started yelling "my savior" over and over. Praising big brother for saving her.
This character is hated by the protagonist of "1984" because they are an adherent follower of the party and has made a promise of celibacy.
The dark hair girl.
What does Winston say about the date the novel is taking place? BE VERY DETAILED TO GET FULL POINTS
He is not entirely sure what the date is but, he is estimating it is 1984 because he estimates he was born in 1944 or 1945 and it has been about 40 years since he was born.
What did the Ministry of plenty concern itself with? Explain in detail
Economic affairs
Explain what happens during "two minutes hate" between the main character and O'Brien. Be very detailed in your response.
While everyone was chanting and praising for big brother, they made eye contact and the main character knew then that O'Brien shared his disapproval of the party.