Three contraindications for TXA.
What is >3 hours since injury, on anticoagulants, known pregnancy?
This is the sequence of Jouls you defibrillate a v-fib/pulseless VT pediatric patient.
What is
1st 2 J/kg
2nd 4 J/kg
3rd 4 J/kg?
Continue 4 J/kg
If your ETC02 is >45 you are ventilating this way.
What is too slow?
During a cardiac arrest, your patient has a sudden spike in ETC02.
What is ROSC?
Your patient presents with a burn the is swollen, red, blistering, and is sweeping fluid. You treat it this way.
What is a wet/moist sterile gauze?
(Second degree burn)
These are signs of symptomatic a-fib.
What are HR >160/min, QRS <.12sec, dizziness, SOB, CP?
How do you treat this?
This is the max number of attempts you have to intubate a pediatric patient.
What is 1 attempt?
This is the solution that is mixed with the Glucagon powder.
What is sterile water?
Suspected pelvic fracture
Paralysis in the field
Inhalation injury with or without burns
These would contribute to a Level 1 or Level 2 Trauma Alert.
What is a Level 1 Trauma Alert?
Patient has systolic BP >200 and diastolic BP >120. Headache, nosebleed, blurred vision, and dizziness. This is how your line of treatment should go.
What is .4mg of Nitro SL every 5 min x3 then 20mg of Labetalol IVP? (May repeat Labetalol x1 in 10min)
Your patient presents with respiratory distress, CP, bilateral rales, pink frothy sputum and your medication strategy is this.
What is Pulmonary Edema?
What is 0.4mg of Nitro SL every 2-3 min if systolic BP is >110?
When giving medication IN, you should give this much in each nare and no more than this amount can be administered per nostril.
What is 1/2 in each nare and 2mL?
In the presence of a trauma, these would lead to what treatment.
Any AMS, neuro deficit, extreme agitation.
Any alcohol or drug intoxication
Another painful distracting injury
What is a c-collar?
Your patient is hypotensive with no active signs of bleeding and no cardiac involvement suspected. This is your line of treatment.
What is 20mL/kg NS bolus, a second NS bolus, push dose Epi. 1-2mL every 2-3min until MAP is >65?
Your patient is <18 months and presents with wheezes and appears to be struggling to breath. You give this medication.
What is 0.5mg/kg Epi 1mg/1mL (max of 5mg)?
Then contact Medical Control.
This is the max fluid amount you can administer at once via IM injection to a toddler.
Death in passenger compartment.
Extrication longer than 20 min.
Ejected from vehicle.
These would be considered a Level 1 or Level 2 Trauma Alert.
What is a Level 2 Trauma Alert?
You have a pediatric patient that is bradycardic, this is your medication regiment.
What is 20mL/kg NS bolus x2
0.01mg/kg Epi 1mg/10mL IV/IO (Max 1mg)
.01mg/kg Epi 1mg/1mL ET
Repeat every 3-5min (Max 1mg/dose)?
Your patient is having an anaphylactic reaction, these medications should be given.
What is 0.3mg Epi 1mg/1mL IM
0.3mg Epi 1mg/10mL IVP/IO
25-50mg Benadryl IV/IM
125mg Solu-Medrol IV/IM?
You have a pediatric patient (<28 days old) who's BGL is <60. This is your treatment plan.
0.025mg/kg Glucagon IM?