God created two great lights.
What is the lesser light?
The Moon
(to rule the night)
What did God tell Adam
to do on the earth?
Be fruitful & multiply, fill the
earth & subdue it (Genesis 1:28)
What is so special
about Abraham?
Abraham believed God's
promise; he had faith
Where did Israel settle
& live in Egypt?
The land of Goshen
Who was embalmed & brought
out of Egypt by the Israelites?
Joseph, he wanted to be
buried with his fathers
On which day of Creation did God create all the plants?
On the third day
What material did
God use to make Eve?
Adam's rib
Who was Issac's first son
by his wife, Rebekah?
What type of disaster did
Joseph prophesy to Pharoah?
Seven years of famine
Name two of the many miracles
Israel saw in the desert
Red Sea parted, pillars of cloud
& fire, water from a rock,
manna from heaven, etc.
What did God say about His
Creation on the sixth day?
It was VERY good!
Why did God create Eve?
It wasn't good for man
to be alone
What was God's new
name for Jacob?
Who was found floating in the
Nile River by Pharoah's daughter?
How long did Israel wander
around in the Sinai desert?
40 years, until that generation died
Why did God create human beings?
To rule over the animals
(Genesis 1:26)
How did God cover Adam & Eve
after they ate the forbidden fruit?
He clothed them with animal skins
(animals were killed to cover them)
Name four of Jacob's twelve sons
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar,
Zebulun, Joseph & Benjamin
Why did Moses insist that
Israel be allowed to leave?
To worship and to sacrifice
to their God
What leader brought Israel
into the Promised Land?
Joshua, Moses had died
What did God do on the
seventh day of Creation?
God rested
(Ponder: was God tired?)
Why were Adam & Eve
forced out of the Garden?
So that they wouldn't eat fruit
from the Tree of Life & live forever
What did Joseph's brothers
do to get rid of him?
Sold him into
slavery in Egypt
Name the 5 of the 10 plagues
God brought upon Egypt
Water became blood, frogs, gnats,
flies, livestock die, boils, hail, locust,
darkness & death of first born
How do modern Jews remember
Israel's deliverance from Egypt?
By eating a special
Passover meal each year