The preschool I attended (Bonus: Name my preschool teacher)
What is St. Mary’s Preschool (Bonus : Tr. Lisa)
My middle name (Bonus: the inspiration for it)
Ariel Dumisa (My mom’s male African doctor had the same name)
Who is Conlloyd Gumbs, Vidal Permuy
The country my family is from
What is Guyana
The number of children I want
What is one
A disease I had as a child
What is measles
My favorite colour
An ex best friend
Who is J-née, Brielle
The initial all three of us have for our middle names
What is the letter A
Where I want to live
Where is Switzerland
Something embarrassing that happened to me in primary school
When my mom came to school and beat me, When I fell backwards from a football post, when I was constipated and they called my dad
My grandma’s first name (Bonus: Maternal and Paternal)
Juene and Gertrude
The form class I was in
The maiden name of one or both of my grandma’s
What is Liverpool or Collins
The size of my future home
What is moderate
The very first position i started playing in netball (Bonus: the name of my first coach)
What is goal shoot (Nadia Linton/ Coach Rose)
A unique feature about my appearance
Dimple on right side of my face, long middle toe, long bone in my left wrist, birthmark on my lower back
A traumatizing thing I witnessed on school grounds
What is a seizure
My pair of favorite cousins (boy pair or girl pair) from both sides of the family (Bonus: A single favorite cousin from the hidden side)
Who are Michael and Jdan OR Richelle and Tashaia (Bonus: Who is Tiamara)
My future career
The position I had in student council (Bonus: The grade I was in it)
What is a secretary (Grade Six)
The name of our first family cat
My best friend in first form
Who is Raijah Smith
A name two of my aunts share
What is Karen
How I want to be proposed to
What is a surprise proposal that I laugh at and say no, then he laughs and just puts the ring on my finger