At the beginning of the chapter Ralph considers giving up being _____ but is convinced otherwise by Piggy and Simon
The chief/leader
What does Piggy do while the others look for the beast?
He stays back to look after the littluns.
What does Simon believe about the beast?
That the beast is the boys themselves
What does Jack do after Ralph tells him to stay put?
Jack follows Ralph anyways
Fill in the quote: Ḧe found himself understanding the ______ of this life, where every path was an improvisation and a considerable part of one’s waking life was spent watching one’s feet” (76).
How does Piggy protest at the beginning of the assembly?
Piggy sits outside of the assembly triangle.
What is Simon’s excuse for going out at night?
He is just visiting a spot that he knows of
What does Jack do to get Percival to talk?
He picks him up and shakes him
Who does Ralph suppose are the “practiced debaters” that will try to twist the meeting?
Maurice, Jack, and Piggy
Why is Piggy scared of Ralph resigning as chief?
If Ralph resigns, Jack will torment Piggy more.
Who do Ralph and Simon carry back to the shelter?
What is Jack doing during Ralph’s assembly?
He is whittling
What position in line does Ralph take on the walk towards the beast's possible home?
The rear/back
Fill in the quote: “But Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had ____” (78).
What does Simon do to cause Ralph to impatiently look at him and for Robert to laugh?
Simon ¨bashes¨ or runs into a tree
Who is Jack talking to when he says “you’ll have to put up with that like the rest of us” (82)
The littluns