This is the goddess of harvest and fertility/Persephone's mother
Who is Demeter?
Persephone was picking these when she was taken by Hades.
What are flowers?
Persephone spends half of the year in this place with Hades.
What is the Underworld?
The myth of Persephone explanes this natrul cycle.
What is changing of the seasons?
Demeter was furious at this god for keeping quiet about the abduction.
Who is Zues?
He was the ruler of the underworld who abducted Persephone.
Who is Hades?
Hades emerged fro, here to abduct Persephone.
What is a gap in the earth?
Persephone spends the other half of the year with her mother.
What is Olympus.
Persephone eating the pomegranate seeds symbolizes this concept of life and death.
What is the eternal cycle of death and rebirth?
This god suggested that is wasn't so bad for Persephone to be the wife of Hades.
Who is Helios?
This god of the sky and king of the gods stayed silent about Persephone's abduction at first.
Who is Zues?
Demeter refused to let this happen after Persephone was taken, causing a famine.
What is the growth of crops?
Persephone's time in the Underworld explains the origin of these two seasons.
What are Autumn and Winter.
The months Persephone is in the Underworld symbolize this part of the agricultural cycle.
What is the land becoming barren.
The famine on Earth caused Zeus to worry that this would happen to humanity.
What is extinction?
This goddess of the wilderness and childbirth advised Demeter to ask Helios for help.
Who is Hecate?
Zeus finally intervened when this group of beings began suffering from the famine caused by Demeter's grief.
Who are humans?
Her return to the Olympus marks the beginning of these two seasons.
What are Spring and Summer?
Persephone's new role as a queen of the Underworld makes her a symbol of this nature.
What is innocence and power?
Demeter threatened to do this if Persephone was not returned to her.
What is never making the Earth fertile again.
This god of the Sun witnessed Persephone's abduction but chose to not intervene.
Who is Helios?
Hades used this trick to ensure Persephone would have to return to the underworld.
What is having her eat pomegranate seeds?
This compromise was made to settle the dispute between Hades and Demeter.
What is Persephone spending half the year in the underworld and the other half with her mother?
The Eleusinian Mysteries were religious rites celebrating this aspect of Persephone's myth.
What is rebirth and the afterlife?
Persephone ultimately had to stay in the underworld for this reason.
What is she ate the pomegranate seeds?