How many time zones are there in the world?
What year did the United States declare independence?
What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?
Big Ben
Her magical dress disappears, and she must leave a certain time at the end ball?
In this classic nursery rhyme song, a small animal runs up the clock, but when the clock strikes one, it runs down again. What is the name of the song?
Hickory Dickory Dock
If it is 3 PM in New York, what time is it in California?
What year did the Titanic sink?
Which clock in New York City counts down to the New Year?
Time Square Ball Clock
Which classical movie has a white rabbit worried about being late.
Alice in Wonderland
What famous song by Cyndi Lauper talks about waiting for a loved one and features the lyrics "If you're lost, you can look and you will find me"?
Time after Time
What is the name of the time zone used in London, England?
Greenwich Mean time or GMT
What year did World War II end?
Which U.S. city has the Liberty Bell, Which once rant to mark time?
What family movie where a man wakes up and his days keeps repeating over and over?
Ground Hog Day
n the song “Rock Around the Clock,” what time does the party start?
"One o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock, rock…
Pacific Ocean
What famous clock was set forward for Daylight Saving Time for the first time in 1916?
Big Ben
What kind of clock uses sand to measure time?
This family movie is a time travel movie featuring a famous clock that gets struck by lightening.
Back to the Future
What song is played in the end of the movie of Disney Classic Cinderella?
"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes,"
What time zone do pilots use when flying internationally?
Coordinated Universal Time or UTC
What ancient civilization invented the first sundial to tell time?
Ancient Egyptians
What type of clock uses water to measure time?
Water clock or clepsydra
This Disney’s movie character fears the sound of ticking that whenever he hears the ticking he jumps in terror?
Peter Pan
What Disney song from Alice in Wonderland is sung by the White Rabbit while he checks his pocket watch?
I'm late