What does CAB stand for?
Campus Activities Board
According to Article IV, what is the minimum GPA requirement for CAB members?
Each member must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.
What is the mandatory event mentioned in Article V?
General Retreat
According to Article VIII, what will CAB members maintain towards other organizations and events?
CAB members will maintain a positive mindset
Who is CAB's Executive Board compiled of?
Co-Leader, Co-Chairs, Community Chair, Intern
What are the three values?
Family, Community, and Zest
What is the purpose of CAB shirts according to Article IV?
CAB shirts are to be worn in promotion of CAB events only (not to any places that would cause CAB to have a tarnished name).
According to Article V, what happens if a member misses more than 2 meetings a semester?
According to Article IX, who is included in the General Board Selection Process Selection Committee?
Co-Leaders, Intern, and Advisor
List one of the responsibilities of a CAB General Member.
Assist in brainstorming ideas, planning, and creation of publicity for events
Attend and actively participate in weekly meetings, events, socials and mandatory retreats
Uphold the high standards of CAB
According to Article II, what is one of CAB's main objectives?
To create a positive environment for both its members and the students it serves.
How many members can the CAB membership exceed according to Article III?
CAB membership will not exceed forty-five members
What percentage of events must a general member attend each semester, as per Article V?
Each general member must attend 66% of events each semester.
What is the term of office for the Executive Board members and committee members?
The term of office coincides with the academic calendar year
Who oversees marketing, planning and evaluation of events?
Who can be the CAB advisor according to Article III?
The Director of Student Activities or appointee.
What is the role of the Student Activities CAB Intern according to Article III?
Maintain and create communication, marketing, and publicity as needed for events.
What is the purpose of the Selection Committee in the General Board Selection Process (Article IX)?
To recruit, interview, and select new members if membership is forty members or below
What must CAB members practice immediately to resolve any conflicts that may arise?
Effective communication
What position provides positive recognition to recommended CAB members through personal notes, letters, mailbox “hugs”, or other means?
Community Chair
According to Article II, what is CAB to provide to campus?
CAB is to provide quality, diverse entertainment and social opportunities that support campus unity, friendship, personal growth, learning and fun.
According to Article IV, what may result in a meeting with the Co-Leaders to discuss individual circumstances?
Any violation of Article IV:
minimum number of events not attended
GPA < 2.5
Not good conduct standing
CAB shirts worn properly
No alcohol or substance consumed prior to events
Not associate with artists after their performance
Online and behavior activities reflect standards of CAB
"Each member will support the Campus Activities Board, members, and events in a positive manner"
Who is required to meet weekly with the CAB advisor?
Each member of the Executive Board
What should CAB members do when they hear a rumor or misinformation?
Cab members will not repeat misinformation about the organization, fellow members or sponsored events. instead, CAB members will go directly to the source of information to fully understand and discuss any concerns.
Who assists with advisor and intern with the promotion of CAB and social media?
Co Leader