This angel appeared to Joseph Smith as a youth and instructed him regarding the golden plates.
Who is the angel Moroni
The beginning of the Aaronic Priesthood theme it says:
"I am a ______ son of our Heavenly Father and he has a _______ for me to do.
What is "Beloved" and "Work"
This person was burned at the stake for his beliefs under the direction of King Noah.
Who is Abinadi
Who conferred the Melchizedek priesthood on Joseph Smith Jr.
Who are Peter, James, and John?
The current president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Who is President Russell M Nelson
The number of translated pages lost by Martin Harris
What is 116?
When can a young man be Ordained to the Office of a Teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood?
What is the Calendar Year he turns 14
This person cut off the arms of some Lamanites while defending the King's sheep
Who is Ammon
This person acted as scribe for most of the translation of the Book of Mormon
Who is Oliver Cowdrey?
These are the 4 youth personal development categories
What are spiritual, physical, social, and intellectual?
One of the 3 witnesses.
Who is Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, or David Whitmer?
This person restored the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery.
Who is John the Baptist
Who was the last recorded living Nephite in the Book of Mormon?
Who is Moroni
List the first four principles and ordinances of the gospel
What are faith, repentance, baptism, and laying on of hands for gift of Holy Ghost?
What is the earliest age can a young man serve an LDS mission
What is 18
The name of the first ordained patriarch of the restored church.
Who is Joseph Smith Sr.
The first person to be baptized as part of the restored church.
Who is Oliver Cowdery
Who was the leader of the Stripling Warriors?
Who is Helaman
This is the place where Joseph Smith Jr. was baptized.
What is Susquehanna River, PA?
According to the For the Strength of the Youth pamphlet, what is the appropriate age to begin dating?
What is the age of 16
The date that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was officially organized.
What is April 6, 1830
The duties of the Aaronic Priesthood are outlined in this section of D&C.
What is D&C 20 (84 could also be accepted)
Name 2 of the 4 sons of Mosiah who were converted by an angel.
Who are Aaron, Ammon, Omner, or Himni?
The city where most of the Book of Mormon was translated.
What is Harmony, PA?
Direction Moroni faces on top of Temples
What is East?