A document that has the following in it: office hours, general program information, eligibility and exit criteria, safety measures and important phone numbers
What is the program orientation manual
A document that you would report something of concern on
What is a Critical Incident Report
Forms that need to be signed annually
What are Release of Information, Appeal and Grievance and Program Consent
Where do referrals come from?
What is CAA Triage
Bonus *What day does the youth table meet?*
This type of drug is considered to be first aid and therefore does not follow the same procedure as prescribed medication
What is an opioid antagonist - Naloxone (or Narcan)
3 Models that CHF programs work from
What are the Building Connections, Harm Reduction and Relational models
CPI Skills, On-call, ASIST, Safety plans, Supervision, Peer/Clinical Consultations are tools for
What is addressing participants behavioral concerns and immediate needs
A document that outlines our program objectives and the activities to reach them
What is the Program Logic Model
A monthly required check
What is a Unit Safety Inspection
Team Meetings occur at this frequency
What is every week
Q . What is this statement? "Together we transform the lives of children, youths, and families through sustainable supports and connections, leading to healthy fulfilling lives"
What is McMan’s Vision statement
Assessment of the level of risk, having your cell phone charged, vehicle in safe working order, scanning your environment and use of the Stay Safe app are all part of what policy?
What is the Working Alone Policy
A process that McMan has to ensure that all relevant information is in the participants files and up to date
What are quarterly file audits
Low income housing options in Calagry
What are Onward Housing, Calgary Housing, Mustard Seed Housing, Norfolk Housing, Metis and Treaty 7 housing
CHF mandatory trainings
What are Motivational Interviewing, Disease Prevention & Universal Precaution's, 6hr of Indigenous Training and 2 hrs of diversity training
McMan’s 2 Practice Foundations
What are Relational and Trauma Informed Practices
A participant has confirmed that they have used substances for the first time in 6 months - what tool can be used to address this?
What is a Safety Plan
A timeline of 3 months are part of what reports?
What are Individual Plans, Outcome Reports, Outcome Star, Connection Scales, Client Rights, and HMIS Quarterly Reports
Options participants have to make changes in their living arrangements or program involvement at their request?
What is voluntary program withdrawal, client voice and choice in living arrangements, program transfer request
The muster point for the main office
What is the field at the east of the building
Engagement, Planning, Implementation and Transition
What are McMan’s Service Delivery Phases
A training where you will learn how to support your participant with their suboxone
What is Medication Management training
The ways we provide program information to ensure participants are making an informed decision about coming into the program
What are initial phone call to participant, meet and greet meeting, intake meeting and consent review, program orientation manual, ongoing review of rights and consents
Process for when a participant is not a fit for the program or can't be reached
What is a return to the CAA table for an appropriate program referral or another chance to access a housing program at a later time.
Bonus *what else can be provided to the participant or done on their behalf?*
Individual plans are created with clients voice and choice considered?
What is reading the IP with the person or creating it together, agreeing on content and having them sign once any changes are made.