This is the number of IOP Programs there are.
16 + Coalitions
This is the number of organizing focus areas in CAC.
Gigantic park off of the Park Street T-Stop that has been host to hundreds upon hundreds of mass rallies over the years, including the Women’s March in 2017 and 100,000 people protesting against the Vietnam war in 1969.
Boston Common
Done in political campaigning, grassroots fundraising, community awareness, and membership drives. Includes initiating conversations with people through door knocking and direct interactions.
What piece of legislation did the city of Boston recently vote 8 to 1 to pass? (Related to Housing)
What is eliminate single-family-only zoning?
This is the year the IOP was founded.
Former CAC speaker (who is returning!!!), social justice organizer and Lecturer in at the Kennedy School of Government.
Marshall Ganz
Built in 1806, it was here William Lloyd Garrison founded the New England Anti-Slavery Society, the 54th Massachusetts regiment was recruited, and abolitionists like Frederick Douglas spoke.
The African Meeting House
A proposed law that requires the approval of legislators in order to become a law (we’ll be working with these a lot).
What is an example of a successful community organizing effort?
What is the civil rights movement, legalized gay marriage, etc? (many answers)
This was the year the Community Action Committee was briefly abolished by Director Senator David Pryor.
What will be one of the main focus areas of CAC this year?
What is career exploration and/or capstone projects?
Off of State Street, this is the oldest surviving public building in Boston, (built in 1713) to house the government offices of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
The Old State House
A mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing support for a cause.
Who is Lorenzo, Kevin, Summer, and Tenzin?
This IOP Program was born out of the Community Action Committee.
Harvard Votes Coalition (HVC)
These are the current two organizing focus areas for CAC this semester.
What is Immigrantation Rights and Advocacy and Criminal Justice?
Similar to the Occupy Wall Street movement that began in New York City on September 17, 2011, this included a collective of protesters that settled on September 30, 2011 in Boston, Massachusetts, on Dewey Square in the Financial District opposite the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
Occupy Boston
The process of setting up a booth/platform often in front of a business or storefront to discuss information with patrons.
What U.S. president was a former community organizer?
Who is Barack Obama?
This previous United States Secretary of Transportation and 2020 democratic presidential candidate was former CAC Chair.
Pete Buttigieg
The name of the historic partner organization for the criminal justice team.
The FreeHer Campaign/National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls
Current Governor of Massachusetts and Harvard Class of 1992
Maura Healey
Often includes calling a list of people to inform or advocate on behalf of a cause.
What is a recent issue that faculty at Harvard have been organizing around?
What is stop non-tenure track faculty time caps?