CACFP Meal Patterns
Attendance &
Meal Counts
Is it Reimbursable?
Food Allergies & Restrictions

What does CACFP Stands for?

Child and Adult Care Food Program


Fruit Juice

What is the beverage that can only be served once a day?


The CACFP attendance sheet must be completed before this meal is served



This Breakfast is being served to a toddler who is 2.5 years old:

Corn Flakes, Whole Milk & Orange Juice

Is this a reimbursable meal? Why or Why Not?

No, this is not reimbursable. 

Whole milk is only allowed for children under 2 years old.


Abigail's parents have completed a religious restriction form for no pork.

How long is the religious restriction form good for?

It is good the entire time the child is enrolled. 


All staff must wear these when serving food to children.

Gloves, hair cover, and apron


If not specifically stated by a doctor, these can be served in place of milk.

The 2 CACFP approved milk substitutes are:

Lactaid Milk & Soy Milk


When should meal counts be recorded?

During the meal when children are still seated at the table.


Whole grain, fruit, cereal bar

What is this is not an allowable food item for any meal?


Ida is lactose intolerant and needs Lactaid milk. This form should be completed by the parent. 

What is the Special Needs Dietary Form.



CACFP Applications must be renewed before they expire. When do they expire?

One year from the date admin signs it. 


Chocolate milk can be served to this age group.

School Age


On December 1 Crystal comes in halfway through breakfast and sits down to eat. How should she be added to the meal count?

What is add her name to the bottom of the meal count sheet?



You classroom meal count has been given to the kitchen for them to prepare enough meals for lunch. Then another child comes in late to your classroom.

Call the kitchen and let them know that another child has come in. If the child has any food restrictions or allergies, tell them the child's name so they can make the appropriate substitution. 


Little Allan has an allergy to milk and wheat. His parents have turned in the Special Dietary Needs Form signed by the doctor.  Lunch is Mac n Cheese, carrots, whole grain roll, pears, and milk.

What is substitute the mac n cheese and milk


What is it called when all participants are seated and eating?

"Point of Service"



Little Sean NEVER drinks his milk. Which of the following beverages can you offer instead of milk:

Juice, Water or Almond Milk

None of these are acceptable beverages. Milk must always be offered at breakfast and lunch each day even if you know a child wont drink it. Water can only be offered once milk has been offered first. 


Little Andrew Smith like to be called "Drew". During snack the staff person lists Drew Smith on the meal participation form. 

What is you must use full names on all meal participation forms?

(Although its acceptable to call children by nicknames, they cannot be listed on the CACFP Attendance record)


Harmony Jones is 5 months old and she spits up a lot. So mom asks you to add a little cereal to her bottle of formula to help her keep it down.

Is this acceptable? Why or Why not?


CACFP prohibits adding cereal to an infants bottle. And no solid foods can be served to infants under 6months of age. 



Little Hazel has been attending the center for several months now. Over the weekend she has an allergic reaction to eggs. At drop off on Monday mom brings in a note from the doctor telling us not to serve her eggs. What do you do?

What is explain to mom they we can honor the request for 2 weeks until the Special Dietary Needs form is completed and signed by the doctor


As part of the CACFP program, these 2 posters must be hanging up in a central location. 

Building for The Future

Justice For All


These 5 food groups make up a reimbursable lunch meal

Milk, Grain, Meat/Meat Alt., Vegetable, Fruit


Mister Mark misspelled a child's name on the meal participation form.  He uses whiteout to correct the mistake.

What is you cannot use whiteout on official forms? Put a single line through the misspelling.


For Lunch today, you are served:

Milk, roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and a fresh apple.

Why is this not a reimbursable meal?

It is missing the grain component. 


A family is enrolled and reports the family is a vegan family.  The family asks what they need to do to make sure their child only eats vegan meals.

What is the family needs to complete the food transportation form and provide meal substitutions that follow the meal pattern requirements?
