What can replace a fruit for lunch and still count the lunch as creditable?
A Vegetable
How can you tell if an item is a whole grain?
What is the first ingredient listed is whole grain?
Yogurt cannot contain what to be eligible?
-More than 23g sugar
-Fruit on the bottom
What is more than 23 g of sugar per 6 oz?
Changes in Oct 2025 and must not have more than 12 grams of added sugars per 6 ounces.
What type of milk is creditable for children over 2 years of age?
What is 1% or skim milk?
Which meal pattern requires both a serving of fruit and a serving of vegetable?
What is Lunch?
This has to be listed as the second grain ingredient for an item to be Whole Grain?
What is enriched grain?
Which does not qualify as a meat/meat alternate:
Beans, Mozzarella, Velveeta, Fish
What is velveeta or any "cheese product" (meaning not real cheese)
One year old's must be served what milk?
What is whole milk?
What meat/ma, grain, fruit, veg, and milk?
Which of the following is not a whole grain:
whole wheat flour
white rice
What is white rice?
Besides meat what other foods count as Meat/MA component?
What is egg, cheese, peanut butter, beans or yogurt?
True or False
Soy milk is not creditable in the food program?
False. We just need a signed parent note.
How many tablespoons are equal to 1/8 cup, the minimum serving size for EHS fruit and veg at lunch?
What are 2 tablespoons?
How many times a day must a whole grain be served?
What is at least once?
The CACFP limits processed meats (chicken nuggets, fish sticks, deli meats) to no more than how many servings per week?
What is one?
The minimum serving size for milk at snack is?
What is 1/2 cup or 4oz?
Small round foods like grapes should be cut lengthwise and no larger than this?
What is 1/2 inch pieces?
How many grams of sugar is the maximum amount allowed per dry ounce in cereal for CACFP reimbursement?
What is 21.2 grams of sugar per 100 gram of cereal?
Oct 2025 changing to no more than 6 grams of added sugars per dry ounce.
What contains zinc and is important in an infants growth and development?
What is meat?
During birthday celebrations or nutrition experiences, what do we serve to keep the snack creditable?
What is a minimum serving of fruit and milk?