What is my favorite game
Red dead
What is my first campaign called
What is my favorite candy
Hershey (bonus if said line chocolate)
What my mom and dads name
Jack and lacey
Am i lazy in school
Named one consule i have (bonus if you get all the consuls i have
Ps4, Ps3, nintendo switch, computer
What is the nameof the drug dealing Gnome
Freeway Rick
What is my favorite thing to eat in the morning
Chocolate chip muffins
Who is my girlfriend
Name one of my friends i usually hang around (Bounus if you guess them all)
Jaci, Michael and garrett
Name one of the games i am currently playing
Danganronpa or yakuza
What was the first thing that happened in cottonwood
There was a zombie apocalypse
What is my favorite cosuin
Levi or will ether will work
Name one of my crazy cousins name bonus points if you get them all
Axel, Braven, Zaiden (will also except highlighter)
Who used to bully me when they was a teacher
Miss Mcadams
What kind of games do i like
Story based games
What happened to rain last session
She had to leave because of her parents
What is my favorite anime
Akame ga kill or JoJo bizzare advenuture
What are the things painted on my wall
Diffrent video games i liked
Who was a teacher that i for some reason hated in 8th grade
Miss whorton
What is my horse in red dead called
Name each of the player character names in cottonwood
Rain, Ana, Jules, Siruis, Maximon, Dul
What is my favorite movie
Scott pligram vs the world
Whats my mammy name
Who was my para in kindergarten
Miss anail