Conflict Theory
Culture & Conflict Tactics
Cognition & Conflict
Conflict Resolution

This model by Furlong indicates that trust decreases as attributions move from situational to dispositional. 

What is the dynamics of trust.


This happens to culture based upon conflict.

What are being influenced and evolving.


This shapes individuals' belief that they have incompatible needs, interests, wants, and/or values

What is perception. 


What are the 3 dimensions of conflict resolution? 

What are cognitive, emotional, and behavioral. 


In the stages of conflict, this is the initial step prior to conflict emerging. 

What is a latent conflict. 


Name 2 of the 4 core needs that are a part of Burton's Human Needs Theory.

What are security, identity, autonomy, and dignity.


Amongst other things, this conflict resolution tactic aids in taking distracting issues off the table and memorializing progress that has been made.

What is an agreement. 


If Brayden believes that Casper is late for their planned dinner together because "Casper doesn't manage his time well and is disrespectful of other people's time," this is what type of attribution?

What is dispositional. 


This person or conflict role facilitates discussions and guide parties toward their own resolution.

Who is a mediator. 


Name 2 of the 3 core influencing factors of conflict as shown on the Wheel of Conflict.

What are emotions, communication, history, structure, and values.


Galtung's Structural Theory of Conflict says that conflict stems from what: 

What are systemic inequalities. 


In this type of cultural frame, individuals value more autonomy and communication is more assertive.

What is a low-context culture. 


The discomfort experienced when holding contradictory beliefs.

What is cognitive dissonance. 


In trying to understand the message that Taryn was trying to communicate, Roscoe says: "Do I understand correctly that you want me to be as proactive as possible in communicating project challenges to you?" This communication about communication is called. 

What is metacommunication. 


Formal authority, legal systems, and institutional norms are examples of this type of power. 

What is structural power.


This conflict theorist poses the question of whether all conflicts should be solved as part of the Functions of Social Conflict Theory.

Who is Lewis Coser.


Name one conflict resolution tactic that is helpful in resolving cognitive issues. 

What is reframing or cognitive dissonance. 


This is when an individual actively seeks out information that supports their preexisting beliefs.

What is a confirmation bias. 

Janice uses rapport talk when engaging with her teammates because she is motivated by preserving relationships while handling conflict on a work initiative. She also hopes to have a win-win with the final problem-solving solution. This communication choice may indicate that Janice is adopting the following conflict management styles. 

What is collaborating. 


Name 3 of the conflict management styles from Thomas-Kilmann's model. 

What are avoiding, competing, collaborating, accommodating, and compromising.


This conflict theory by Gurr states that conflict stems from perceived inequalities. 

What is relative deprivation theory. 


Culturally, Raj learned that he should not disclose issues in meeting deliverables to his superiors, but rather should handle those items on his own since it is his role to manage project timelines. This is an example of what kind of cultural context where individuals readily accept and expect an unequal distribution of power. 

What is high power distance. 


These are mental shortcuts that help us process information quickly but can lead to errors.

What are heuristics. 


A disputant says that she believes their classmate is a slacker and doesn't care about contributing to the group project, but expects to get a good grade based off the work of others. The professor rephrases this as: "You do not believe your classmate is as motivated to work on the project preparation, but you are clear that they have a desire to achieve a good grade." This is an example of what type of reframing.  

What is detoxification. 


The likelihood of assuming that communication from someone whom we're in conflict with is suspicious. 

What is reactive devaluation. 
