How many papers are there in the CAE?
How many parts are on the R&UofE paper?
8 in total - 4 Use of English parts and 4 Reading parts
How many questions do we have to answer on the writing paper?
What sound will we hear before each listening begins?
How long is the CAE speaking paper?
15 minutes (2 candidates)
23 minutes (a group of three)
What are the 4 papers on the CAE called?
Reading & Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking
How much time do you have for the paper?
1 hour and 30 minutes
What is question 1 on the writing paper?
the opinion essay
How long is the listening paper?
about 40 minutes
How much longer is the CAE speaking from the FCE speaking?
by 1 minute
How long does the Advanced test last? (how many days)
Normally 1 day, with the speaking either before all the papers, or at the very end of the day.
Do answers in all parts carry the same points?
No, they do not. Some of them carry 1 pt, some of them 2 pts.
How many options do candidates choose from in question 2?
How many times do you hear each recoding?
In Part 2, there are three pictures. How many pictures do you have to talk about?
just 2
What are the two possible formats of the exams?
paper-based / computer-based
Which parts are considered to examine grammar and vocabulary?
The first four parts: multiple choice, open cloze, word formation and key word transformation.
What are the 5 writing types that may appear in question 2.
Letter, Email, Proposal, Report and Review
How many tasks do you have to complete in Part 4?
You have to complete both tasks.
Is is OK if you just speak to the examiner and ignore the other candidate in Part 3?
No, it is not. You have to demonstrate the ability to cooperate and develop the discussion.
There are 5 levels of General English Qualifications. The first one is A2 Key. What are the other four levels?
B1 Preliminary
B2 First
C1 Advanced
C2 Proficiency
What is Cross text multiple matching?
Part 6, Comparing opinions in different short texts
What is the expected length of your answer in each part?
between 220 and 260 words
What´s the difference between Listening, part 1 in the FCE and CAE?
In CAE, there are only 3 recordings with 2 questions each.
What speaking skills is part 3 concerned with?
The general management of a conversation, co-operation and decision-making.