What's the best strategy NOT to get distracted when doing reading and use of English part 5 (multiple-choice questions to a text)?
read the questions first, find the answers in the text, then read the answer options and match what you've found with them.
In reading and use of English part one (multiple choice), what do you have to keep in mind when choosing the right option?
collocations, connotations, grammar (what precedes and what follows the missing word).
Which strategies can help you to succeed in listening parts 1 and 3 (multiple choice)?
- underline key words in the questions and answer options
- eliminate the wrong answers
How should you divide your time between the two writing tasks?
Equally - 45 minutes for each task.
What should you do to gain maximum points for the "Interactive communication" criterion?
- involve the other person in the conversation by asking questions
- not dominate the conversation, using the 20/20 second rule
In Reading and Use of English Part 6 (multiple matching, 4 questions + 3-5 texts on the same topic), which mistakes should you avoid?
- trying to match each letter to a question
- using the same letters in the answers as indicated in the questions as reference (e.g. Which reviewer makes a similar criticism of Cain’s apparent lack of objectivity as reviewer B?)
In reading and use of English part 4 (key word transformation), what aspects of the language can you expect to be checked?
advanced grammar, idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations.
In listening part 2 you need to complete the summary with:
a. words that fit the gap in terms of the meaning
b. exact words you hear the speaker use
What should your choice of the task for Part 2 depend on?
- your knowledge of a particular topic
- your preference in terms of the task type (report, proposal, etc.)
How should you best use your 1 minute for the Speaking part 2 task (comparing pictures)?
- avoid getting into too much description
- answer the questions through comparison and compare through answering the questions
In reading and use of English part 7 (gapped text), what kind of information should help you complete the task?
reference words, linkers, general cohesion and coherence.
In listening Part 4, how many tasks do you have to do at the same time?
no, you may agree to disagree