Caitlin's Brother
What is Michael?
The first place Caitlin worked at
What is Marshalls?
All the sports Caitlin has played
What is volleyball, softball, basketball, irish dance
When did Caitlin start her instagram
What is May 2020?
Where Caitlin went to school for her elementary years
What is St. Lawerence
Caitlin's dog
What is Lily?
who from our school did caitlin work with
who is autumn
What concert did Caitlin go to when she was younger
What is Taylor Swift specifically the Red concert?
One of Caitlins favorite directors
What is Sofia Cappola
Where Caitlin is going to school at
What is Emerson?
Who is Caitlin's nephew
What is Maverick?
What was Caitlin's least favorite thing to do at work
Work in Pizza
What total drama character does Caitlin mention A LOT
what is Lashawna?
Caitlin's favorite musical artist.
Who is Taylor Swift, glee cast, Kanye, Kid cudi
all are acceptable
Who is Caitlin mentoring
What is Grace Muench?
Caitlin's distant cousin/relative who is youtube famous
Tyler Oakley
Who from school gave Caitlin a hug at Vince and Joes
Maria Riggio
What is Caitlin's profile pic on instagram right now
What is Scarlette Johansson from Marriage Story?
No worries if not!!!
Who is Caitlin's grandpa dating
Who is Fancy Nancy (Aiden's Grandma)
How long did Caitlin work at Vince N joes
What is one year?