Liquid Trouble
Plagues and Pandemics

This ship hit an iceberg in 1912 and a movie involving a doorway was made about it in the late 90s.

What is the Titanic?


In 1755, this western European capital was devastated by an earthquake, which caused both a mass-fire and a tsunami.

What is London?


On December 6, 1917, the SS Mont Blanc, carrying 2,800 tons of explosives, caught fire and exploded in this incident, the largest non-nuclear blast ever achieved.

What is the Halifax Explosion?


Between November 7 and 10, 1913, this series of lakes was hit with a blizzard almost like a hurricane, the worst weather event in their history.

What are the Great Lakes?


In 2020, most of the world went into lockdown to prevent the spread of this disease.

What is Covid 19?


In 79 CE, Mt. Vesuvius erupted and covered this city in lava.

What is Pompeii?


The strongest earthquake ever recorded at 9.5 magnitude happened on May 22, 1960 in this mountainous South American country.

What is Chile?


This 1605 conspiracy sought to blow up the English Houses of Parliament and King via barrels of gunpowder stored in the basement, but it was discovered and stopped.

What is the Gunpowder Plot?


In 1461, the Yorkists beat the Lancastrians at Towton with the help of a snowstorm, marking one of the most decisive battles in this series of English wars.

What are the Wars of the Roses?


This plague killed around half of Europe’s population in the 14th Century.

What is the Black Death?


The city of New Orleans and the surrounding area was devastated by this hurricane in 2005.

What is Hurricane Katrina?


Though founded during the California Gold Rush, this US city owes its current presentation to a 7.9 magnitude earthquake in 1906.

What is San Francisco?


During the industrial revolution, people running steam engines had to watch pressure so these things did not explode.

What are boilers?


The 1719 Carolean Death March earned much of its name when Swedish troops endured a blizzard in the mountains, retreating on foot from this country.

What is Norway?


This pandemic broke out just after WWI with an estimated 500 million cases.

What is the Spanish Flu?


On January 15, 1919, a burst storage tank sent 2.3 million gallons of this non-water liquid to levels several blocks of Boston.

What is molasses?


The 1923 Great Kantō Earthquake flattened buildings and sparked devastating fires across this country’s capital and nearby cities. The ensuing reconstruction and ethnic violence helped foster militarism.

What is Japan?


The 1813 Battle of York ended with a bang when the retreating British blew up the fort’s magazine - despite the damage, York went on to become this city.

What is Toronto?


A 1902 blizzard caused 210 soldiers in this country’s Hakkōda Mountain range to lose their way in deep snow - only 11 ultimately survived.

What is Japan?


In 1518, the city of Strasbourg was subjected to a unique kind of plague, but instead of falling sick, people couldn’t stop doing this.

What is dancing?


“The Great Stink” happened when a hot summer hit this foully polluted European capital.

What is London?


Despite its reputation as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, this colossus only stood for 54 years over the harbour entrance before an earthquake toppled it.

What is the Colossus of Rhodes?


The Kronan began its first ever battle in 1676 by turning on its side, then blowing up. It was this northern European country’s biggest battleship at the time.

What is Sweden?


The Blizzard has been a staple on the Dairy Queen menu since this decade.

What are the 1980s?


This historical figure, famous for having the same name as a character from an HBO show, is famous for finding out that cholera is a water-borne disease.

Who is John Snow?
