This sweat treat find its way into our stomach every Sunday
what is YOPO
She is often seen complimenting objects and things that are this color
what is purple
She made Kira and Jarrett wait forty minutes for this known place that will also replace Wallgreens
What is canes
The phrase that has been said many times this semester from the cantienberry tales
what is so moot i goon
This person was seen slapping and smashing around on November 5th
Who is Anita white
A certain blonde has gained her reputation for going here almost three times a week
what is TopDog
She is often hyping this food up and during senior year had it at least once a week
JP morgan helped assist in this purhcase given to her from Sir Nich
What is Prada chapstick
Seen being talked about on John Oliver, this political man was brought up not once but twice during TAHOE
who is Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
This person can be seen running red lights and eating bubbles on pretty much nightly basis.
Who is Jarrett
We figured out its existence during the last day of GBO and can commonly find Jonny here
what is Little Gem
This loving creature has filled Kira with lots of happiness since entering her life.
Who is Kira's cat, Chino/Luigi
This weird looking collectable creature sits ion her desk and watcher over her
What is a Smitski
This data structure is preferred over a binary search tree when fast average-case lookup times of O(1)O(1)O(1) are needed.
What is a hash table?
This girl has had an interesting situation with a leprechaun in which he is constantly asking her for lunch
who is Sofie
After our hard night out treat or treating we went to this fine establishment to get an extra fill of sugar for free
what is insomnia
Often calling to tell her abt her troubles, this girl is going to give Kira a heart attack one day
Who is her sister, Gwen
This club shes apart of, had a event were she brought me to paint rocks
what is the wildlife society
What does Dido from the Aeneid represent as stated in the first lecture of AGRS
What is Carthage(the enemy city)
This person has been seen yelling the same word in front of YOPO and walking around all of berkeley
who is ozempics man
A place with a name that is very confusing to say out and holds a very special creation that kira loves a lot
what is sodoi
Throughout all of her schooling up until Berkeley, Kira has had all mascots relating to the ocean, her high school one was this sea creature
what is a dolphin
During her time in Korea over the summer she will be studying for this massive test
What is the LSAT
Albert Hofman was the first to synthesize this during the first world war and is a derviative of ergot alkaloids
what is LSD
This person was decided that they would cuddling, cocina, coffee, cockadoodledoo, and finally coca cola in that order
Who is Jonny