Original song released by Caleb
"eyebags" by jcrispy
The song that Caleb typically screams at someone when their time comes
Happy Birthday
The name of the woman that Caleb was most definitely not groomed by
A sport that involves shooting other people with plastic BB's
The title of Caleb's favorite Broadway musical
Caleb's favorite band
The Backseat Lovers
Caleb's favorite marching band show he's performed in (Hint: Not Come Together)
Evolution of Music
Caleb's favorite number
The transformer that is the reason Caleb wants to own a Camaro
The concrete slab beneath the railroad track is commonly referred to as _____ rock
Caleb's go-to karaoke song
"My Way" by Frank Sinatra
Caleb's favorite DCI group in 2023
The reason Caleb's nickname is JCrispy
The name of Caleb's favorite character from "The Boys"
The full name of the role where Caleb made a little girl cry
Harry Wormwood
Artist that Caleb would die on a hill defending, even though he barely listens to her
Taylor Swift
The name of the song with a "figure eight" that Caleb could never march correctly
The person that is the reasoning behind Caleb's favorite number
Dale Earnhardt Jr.; Uncle J
Caleb's favorite youtuber
The role with the most lines Caleb has ever had
Mortimer Brewster
Caleb's most streamed song of 2023
"Creep" by Radiohead
The nickname Caleb was called for two days on his rookie year, preceding JCrispy
Dusty Buns
The name of Caleb's old Roblox account
Celebrity that Caleb often uses videos of to fall asleep
Bob Ross
Caleb's first ever role in high school theatre
Prince Charming