In Lesson 33, Make Jehovah Happy, Caleb learns about Jesus being tempted by the Devil on his way to school. Later that day, Caleb is playing during recess when some of the boys at school pressure him to play what?
A violent video game
In Lesson 33, Make Jehovah Happy, Sophia learns about Jesus being tempted by the Devil on her way to school. Later that day, Sophia is pressured to do what during a test?
To cheat!
What Bible character survived a flood in an arc with his family and lots of animals?
What are the first 5 books of the Bible?
1. Genesis
2. Exodus
3. Leviticus
4. Numbers
5. Deuteronomy
Finish the Lyrics!!!!
Song 76 How does it make you feel?
“How does it make you feel when you preach and teach with zeal, When you know you’ve done your part to reach an honest ____?”
Heart 💜
In Lesson 8, Respect Jehovah’s House, what was Caleb doing in the Kingdom Hall which almost got Sister Elsa hurt?
In Episode 25, Making Friends, what is the name of the older sister Sophie becomes friends with?
Sister Elsa.
This brave queen, the niece of Mordecai, risked her life to go up to the King of Persia and protect Jehovah’s people.
Queen Esther
In Lesson 1, Obey Your Parents, in the very beginning of the episode, Caleb is flying in a life size version of what toy?
An airplane
Finish the Lyrics!!!
“This is my family, and everyone is special. This is my family, we may be big or small. But we are a family! Jehovah really loves _______!”
My family!
In Lesson 40, Jehovah Forgives, what item did Caleb almost take a bite of during a birthday party?
A cupcake
In Lesson 38, Love Your Neighbor, a new girl from India named Pria joins Sophia’s class. What kind thing did Sophia do to welcome her?
Sophia offered Pria a seat next to her at the lunch table.
In Lesson 2, Obey Jehovah, Caleb’s mom reminds him that Satan, disguised as a certain animal, tempted Eve. Caleb imagined this same animal tempting him with Sparlock the Warrior Wizard. What was this animal?
A snake 🐍
The year that very first Episode of the Become Jehovah’s Friend Series was released, a song was also played sang by children for the first time. It goes, “Listen, Obey, and..... what?”
Be Blessed
Finish the Lyrics!!!!
Song 73 Grant us Boldness
“Grant us boldness as we _____; Help us overcome our fear. Give us confidence and courage, So that all the world may hear.”
What stuffed animal does Caleb have with him in many episodes?
A teddy bear 🧸
In Lesson 10, Be Kind and Share, what toy did Sophia want to play with that Caleb at first didn’t want to share?
A toy car 🚗
In Lesson 13, Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold, what Bible character did Sophia’s mom introduce her to?
The little Israelite slave girl
In Lesson 16, Preach in A Foreign Language, what language did Caleb and Sophia start learning using the JW Language App?
Finish the lyrics!!!
From the Timeline of Jesus Song:“As king of kings he’s everything that a king should be. Faithful and true, for ____ (how long?)”
1. Preparation
2. Personal appearance
3. Proper behavior
In Lesson 5, Let’s Go In Service, what 3 things did Sophia need for preaching?
1. Bible
2. Magazines (Literature)
3. Journal & Butterfly pencil
In Lesson 33, Make Jehovah Happy, Caleb & Sophia learn about Jesus being tempted by the Devil. What 3 things did Satan try to make Jesus do?
1. Turn a rock into a loaf of bread
2. Throw himself down from high up
3. Do an act of worship to Satan
In Lesson 12, what place did Caleb and Sophia travel to go visit?
Hint: This place means “House of God”
In the song “The 12 Apostles - Do You Know Them?” the first three apostles are Peter, James, and ____”