a vague,generalized apprehension or feeling that one is in danger.
Personality theories?
provide a way of organizing many characteristics that you know about yourself and other people.
“Sigmund Freud”
Freud was the first to suggest an unconscious, or unaware, component of behavior
Psychoanalytic theory
focuses on how the subconscious mind affects our actions and desires
The nervous system has 2 parts
The central nervous system(CNS)
The peripheral nervous system(PNS)
Generalized anxiety disorder?
-anxiety is normal: intense or prolonged anxiety is normal
- Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a pattern of constant and excessive worry
- It can be learned or learned
Psychoanalytic theory
focuses on how the subconscious mind affects our actions and desires
The Id,Ego, and Superego
The id is the repository of our drives, instincts, and needs as well as all that is repressed
The ego is the mostly conscious self that is in touc h with reality
The superego is the source of our conscience; it counteracts the undesirable impulses of the id
Sociocultural perspective
considers the roles of ethnicity,culture, socioeconomic status and gender.
Fight or flight
The instinctive psychological response to a threatening situation, which readies someone to either resist (fight) or run away.
An acute form of anxiety where the person thinks the same thoughts over and over again in an uncontrollable pattern
Social Learning Theory
focuses on how observations (imitation) shape our personalities
Defining trait theory
-traits are a predisposition to respond in a certain way in many different situations (places).
- must remain consistent over time
focuses on observable behaviors, rewards, and punishments
The 3 brains
The brain has three parts
The hindbrain- controls basic body processes.
The midbrain-arouses the brain and integrates sensory information
The forebrain- houses higher thinking processes
personality disorders struggle with?
- social norms
- social environments
- meaningful relationships
- social responsibilities
Cognitive theory
focuses on your OWN thoughts, feelings, and perceptions- look at the logical thought processes that humans go through to make decisions
Trait theorists ask “what behaviors go together”
They look for underlying traits that may cause consistent behaviors in circumstances
Humanistic theory
focuses on embracing unique potential and emphasizes being true to one’s self- believe people are active participants in their growth
the brain has 2 hemispheres
- the LEFT hemisphere specializes in speech, mathematical ability, and logic.
-the RIGHT hemisphere specializes in perception, patterns, and creativity.
4 core characteristics of personality disorders
Extreme and distorted thinking patterns
Problematic emotional response patterns
Impulse control problems
Significant interpersonal problems
Trait theory
emphasizes the importance of stable internal characteristics, or traits like extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and emotional stability
Risk Homeostasis
Every person has an acceptable level of risk that they find tolerable
People adjust their behavior to perceived levels of risk
Social Learning Theory
focuses on how observations (imitation) shape our personalities
Nature vs Nurture
describes the question of how much a person's characteristics are formed by either “nature” or “nurture.”