What date is 11/20/ 1985?
November 20th, 1989
What holiday do we celebrate on 4th september?
Independence Day
What is the first month of the year?
What date is 10/31/1721?
October 31st, 1721
What holiday is celebrated on 25th December
Christmas Day
What month comes after February?
What date is 1/2/27?
January 2nd, 2027
What holiday do we celebrate in February that involves hearts and love?
Valentine's Day
In what month do we celebrate Halloween?
What date is 9/10/25?
September 10th, 2025
What holiday is known for fireworks, staying up till Midnight, and is on the last day of the year?
New Year's Eve
What month has 28 days (or 29 in a leap year)?
What is the last month of the year?