5 examples of things you can purchase with CalFresh benefits
What is any grocery items, cold and prepared food, or seeds and plants that produce food
- Milk/Dairy, Meat, Frozen or canned food, bakery items, juice, produce, some plants, some deli items, many more!
The name for the approved student programs, at City, currently, these are the CTE programs. Being in that major means you are in a [BLANK].
What is LPIE, local program that increases employability?
Scheduled recurring times when students can drop in for CalFresh assistance. Time is limited and there may be a wait to get support.
CalFresh Walk-in hours.
A student wants to schedule an appointment for CalFresh application assistance
PA: email them link and/or provide postcard
Pantry: give postcard
The Basic Needs Center provides students help with CalFresh benefits. A student expresses to you interest in applying for CalFresh, [This] is the name of the BNC service they should seek out.
What is CalFresh application assistance?
A student visiting the pantry sees a CalFresh poster and says to you "What is CalFresh?" Bonus opportunity [100 pts]
CalFresh is a Federal food assistance program intended to provide students/households/people with financial assistance to purchase healthy food. Students could get up to 291 per month, but there are eligibility criteria you have to meet.
Bonus: We can actually help you with seeing if you are eligible completing the application process. You can make an appointment with our CalFresh tech and they will help you apply and make sure you are eligible. Or you could complete the eligibility screener to make sure you are eligible first.
The basic eligibility requirements for CalFresh
What is the citizenship and income requirement? (Details about this can count)
A quick and anonymous tool for students to check if they could likely qualify for CalFresh.
CalFresh eligibility screener
This student is visiting basic needs looking for support and to see if they are likely eligible for CalFresh. They can check their eligibility with us two ways.
What is, using the eligibility screener or scheduling an appointment for CalFresh assistance with our CF tech.
A household with both citizen and non citizen eligible members.
What is a mixed status household?
Those working on securing U.S. Citizenship may be concerned that CalFresh is a [Blank]. We can assure students that participating in CalFresh is not [Blank] and will not affect their path to citizenship
What is a Public Charge?
There is a citizenship requirement to be eligible for CalFresh; but some noncitizens can still receive benefits. If you're not a citizen, you must hold [This] residency status to meet the citizenship requirement.
Legal Permanent Resident - technically these county, U/T Visa holder, Cuban, Hatian or some other asylum holder.
Support or assistance we provide for those with active CalFresh cases. We can help with specific issues or tasks, such as contacting the county
Case management/active case assistance/support
A student with an active CalFresh case comes to us for help with a notice they received from the county. The notice explains they need to complete a reporting form by next week, but they would like guidance while completing it.
What is make an appointment for CalFresh assistance.
$291 per month
CalFresh benefits can be spend at many participating farmer's Markets across San Diego; but through this program, you could earn extra money to spend at the markets, via rebate
What is Market Match?
Most college students applying for CalFresh need to meet a specific eligibility, there are many eligibilities for students and students need to meet at least 1. Name 3 of the eligibilities.
What is Approved for Federal Work Study for ‘23-’24 Receiving Cal Grant A/B funded by TANF for ‘23-’24 Working 20+ hours per week or 80+ hours a month Parenting students (with a child 12 or younger) 1/both parents in household w child under 6 Both parents in household w child under 12 without adequate care 1 parent in household with child under 12 In the Campus Employment Program (working at SDCC). Enrolled in an approved student program: Local Program that Increases Employability (LPIE). Here is a comprehensive list of them all. CTE programs. Receiving SSI/Disability.
A student who uses our CalFresh application assistance service would go through [These Four] steps from start to finish to complete the process.
What is make an appointment with our staff, submit the application, complete the phone interview, receive their benefits
A student is not familiar with CalFresh, they want to learn more about what it is, see if they are eligible and complete the application with our help
CalFresh is a food assistanc eprogram providing monthly benefits to purchase food. There are specific eligibility criteria you will have to meet. You can complete the eligibility screener to see if you're likely eligible for CalFresh or you can schedule an appointment with our CalFresh tech. They will help you make sure you are eligible and even help you complete the application process.
[THIS] is the required conversation with a SD HHSA case worker; typically these are not conducted in person.
What is, a required phone interview?
CalFresh is the name [This] is the federal program in California. Don't make a snap decision when answering, make sure to say the full name, not the acronym
What is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Reviewing students personal situation including their households' income, citizenship, college enrollment and other information; in order to see if they may qualify for CalFresh.
Screening or prescreening a student for CalFresh
Two reasons why the Basic Needs Center offers CalFresh application assistance.
What is any:?
CalFresh is a long term resource offsetting students food insecurities and effectively increases nutrition levels; supports our mission. The application can be intimidating and there are many factors which create gaps between student CalFresh eligibility and accessing the application. We know a lot about what the county is looking for! This means the application process with basic needs can be more seamless as we provide students reassurance. County contact. We have the resources to directly connect with the county to prevent or address application complications or inquiries.
A student already has taken the CF handouts and met with our staff, but is looking for more detailed information about CalFresh, such as what places accept EBT.
They should look at our basic needs website.
Explain how CalFresh is a long term resource
CalFresh provides ongoing monthly benefits that are recurring. Compared to a one time emergency service. Benefits are issued continually making the resource long term