Where to find the bears (in general) (name 1 thing)
Did you answer with national parks, more specific in forests, rivers or mountains?
One colour the black bear can be (except black) (Name 1 thing)
Did you answer with brown, cinnamon, blonde or grayish?
Language spoken in California
Where do they speak English?
Name of the place where there are stars with names on the floor
What is the Walk of fame?
Necessity when going in areas where bears can be (name 1 thing)
Did you pack your whistle/bear bell, your bear proof containers, a flashlight and your rope?
The type of bear you can't meet anymore
Did the grizzly bear really disappear from California?
The name of baby bears
What does cubs stand for?
The Capital of California
What is Sacramento?
The name of the inescapable prison
Where is Alcatraz (Federal) Prison?
What never do to when meeting a bear (name 1 thing)
Dont ever RUN when seeing a bear
Dont ever TURN YOUR BACK to the bear
Dont PANIC, stay calm
Dont CLIMB on trees
Dont FEED the bears
Things bears do in the winter (name 1 thing)
When do bears slow down, rest in dens but don't fully hibernate? Did you know they also give birth during that time?
The year where the black bear came back to California
What was in the year 1933?
Name of the ocean that is next to california
Which state is next to the pacific ocean?
Name of the place, where the high tech industry is
What is silicon valley known for?
The reason for stricter rules in National parks
Was the cause of bears losing their fear of humans, the facts that tourists would feed them? So then they weren't real wild animals anymore?