Nuclear Navigation
Super Services For Workforce Staff
Superhuman Ways of Entering Jobs
Ironman Communications
Titanic Things You Can Do For Employers
I can use the "+" or "-" sign to.....
What is collapse or expand menus?
You can create an internal or view an external one of these...
What is a job order?
Up to (number) resumes can be stored on CWSN...
What is 10?
The set/list of links which take you around CWSN is called:
What is the Left Navigational Menu?
You can see the last five employers you've worked with, select, and record important information.
What is the Manage Employers link?
This link takes you to four major tabs containing resources and account info you will need in CWSN.
What is My Staff Workspace or Dashboard?
*double jeopardy* *make your wager* (Site name) is one of the leading FREE online learning websites. It offers courses on a variety of topics, including tutorials.All courses on are accessible for free.
What is ALLISON?
If I select default skills, these skills are tied to this internet website:
What is O*NET?
I can communicate with a client, employer and staff via this menu. I can also schedule a follow up (must be the exact menu name):
What is using the Messages menu?
When you enter new information for an employer, you have done this:
What is "created a (new) employer user account?" (any answer mentioning "create" and "empoyer account")
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* *WHAT IS YOUR WAGER?* CWSN stands for the following:
What is California Workforce Services Network?
After conducting a job search and seeing the job listings, I have the option to save this search as...
What is creating a Job Alert or Virtual Recruiter?
This is a set of skills and experience that the employer wants listed as requirements for the position.
What is a job description?
Staff and clients (individuals or employers) can choose to be notified with various new methods (name one)
What are Internal Message Alerts? What is a Text alert? Managing staff alerts and texts watches on behalf of your customers? (Any answer that mentions alerts)
If an employer wants, I can create a set of these in order to better select applicants according to their skill level...
What is Create Application Questions?
I need to remember to do this before I start helping another client or before I enter new information:
What is release an individual or employer?
I want to see the program as an individual or employer so I click on these links (must be exact link/menu name):
What are Services for Individuals or Services for Employers?
*Double Jeopardy* *Make your wager* These options are ways of building your job order (name any one listed in the answer)...
What is (any one of these) ♦ Manual Entry – This option builds your job order through a step-by-step process (Job Order Wizard process) ♦ Copy Existing Job Order – This option copies the information previously entered in one of your existing job orders and uses it to build a new job order, which you can then modify. ♦ Copy Job from Template – This option uses the information previously entered in a job template previously created for this type of job, and builds a completed job order, which you can then modify.
I don't have to keep typing the same message over and over to employers, staff and/or individuals because I can use this feature:
What is Communication Templates – Creating/modifying correspondence letter templates, and print correspondence?
*double jeopardy* *what is your wager?* If I add this to an employer's corporate profile, they have more than one location. *Answer must be exact*
What is adding a "Worksite"? (Corporate Profile>Work Sites tab>Add Work Site)
I can do the following by 1. clicking the My Individual Profile tab 2. Then clicking the Personal Profile link and 3. Clicking Reset Account link.
What is Reset an Individual’s Login Data or Password via Email?
These still need to be checked.
What are work documents? (Social Security, CDL or appropriate documents)
There are ("number") steps for creating a Job Order Template (you do not have to know the steps for this question):
What is nine basic steps? Click the Create New Template 1 Enter a Template Name, Job Title, and select a Job. link at the bottom of the tab. 2 Select the location of the worksite and contact person 3 Enter job order information to display online and general details 4 Enter Job duties, skills, and hiring requirements 5 Enter Minimum education, experience, and age requirements 6 Enter Compensation and indicate benefits 7 Enter Job Applicant methods, required information, any question set, and notification method: 8 Select upload sites and other information options: 9 Review the displayed list of all Job Order Template selection.
Any of the Four Components of the Other Services Menu...
What is • Communications Center • Appointment Center • Assistance Center • Learning Center ?
A job matches an individual; my next step may be to do the following:
What is Create Candidate Referral for Any Employer? Refer to Job? Job Referral? (Anything with "refer" or "referral" in the question)