"When you need some help to get by, something to make you feel strong."
What was the first Wonder Weapon in all of Zombies?
What was the first map to introduce perks?
What is the Pack-A-Punched M1911?
Mustang & Sally
What is the main Zombies theme called?
Your hands are slow, your movements sluggish. Your lack of speed, just brings you anguish."
Speed Cola
What is widely consider to be the worst Wonder Weapon in all of Zombies history?
The Jet-Gun/Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23
What was the first map to introduce Pack-A-Punch?
Der Riese
What is the Pack-A-Punched SPAS-12?
What is the Easter Egg song in Kino Der Toten?
115 by Elena Siegman
"When you're feeling kinda lonely, and your spouse is kinda dead. Or feel like curlin' up with someone in your empty little bed."
Widow's Wine
Name all of the Wonder Weapons in Black Ops 1 Zombies. (Guns only)
The Ray Gun, Wunderwaffle DG-2, Thundergun, Winter's Howl, V-R11, Scavenger, 31-79 JGb215/Baby Maker, and the Wave Gun/Zap Guns.
What was the first map to introduce buildables?
What is the Pack-A-Punched FN FAL?
How do you unlock the Easter Egg song in Verruckt?
Flush the left most toilet 3 times
"Rest in pieces, down for the count. No revival, you're bleeding out."
Tombstone Soda
What is the name of all the upgraded Origins Staffs?
Kimat's Bite, Kagutsuchi's Blood, Ull's Arrow, and Boreas' Fury.
How many buildables are on Tranzit? (Double points if you name them all)
9 (Turbine, Zombie Shield, Turret, Electric Trap, Power Switch, Jet-Gun, NAV Table, Pack-A-Punch, The Bus)
What is the Pack-A-Punched LSAT?
Who made the Easter Egg song on the map "Five"?
Eminem (Ft. P!nk)
"Friends, neighbors, ladies, gentlemen. If you're feeling underpowered, I'll help you make amends."
What is the full name of the D.I.E Machine from Cold War?
Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine
Which map has the most Easter Egg steps?
Revelations, 19 steps
What is the Pack-A-Punch .357 Magnum?
.357 Plus 1 K1L-u
Which map has the most amount of songs?