What is the primitive law?
The new law that Buck is experiences as he moves from a civilized and orderly world to a more primitive chaotic world.
What did the man in the red sweater do to Buck?
Beat Buck with a club to subdue him.
What did Spitz do after killing Curly?
He laughed
What anthropomorphism?
the attribution of human traits, feelings, and behaviors to inanimate objects, nonhuman animals, or nature
What is epigraph?
an inscription on a building, statue, or coin.
Who is Buck's first owner
Judge Miller
What is snow?
The first time Buck feels it and tastes it in his life.
What was the amount of money paid for Buck by the man in the red sweater?
150 dollars
What is scold?
reproof or correct a behavior
"Now, you red-eyed devil"
What is metaphor?
Who is the man in the red sweater?
taught Buck the "Law of the Club"
How did Buck feel when the men laughed at him?
What does Buck learn about getting food?
He learns to steal and eat faster in the new savage world
What is disaster?
"With a roar that was almost lion-like in its ferocity, he again hurled himself at the man."
What is simile?
What is gold?
A metal discovered in the far North of Canada.
What did Spitz do at the beginning to make Buck not like him?
killed Curly.
How did Joe react to Spitz's attempt to discipline him?
Joe whirled around on his heels to face him
What is evil?
immoral, wicked
Why are strong dogs needed in the far North?
To pull sleds and perform tough tasks in icy weather
What is the Law of club and fangs?
The law that Buck learned from men and dogs
What did Sol-lecks do when Buck approached his blind side?
Slashed his shoulder to the bone for three inches up and down
What is unwonted?