Whats in a paycheque?
Job Interview
Job Safety
Credit Card Savvy
Total income before deductions
What is gross income
This is the very first impression made when you get to your interview even before you have seen the employer....our whole life is organized by this...
What is being punctual or on time
The total amount of your living costs in one month
What is expenses?
The WCB stands for this and they are in place to do what?
What is The Workers Compensation Board. They pay the employee compensation for income lost due to an injury sustained on the job
This one piece of wisdom will save you alot of debt and stress when managing your money.
What is paying off the whole balance every month rather then just the minimum payment.
Total income after deductions
What is net income
Three things or actions you can do that will make a good first impression before you sit down
What is dressing clean and appropriate, making eye contact upon introduction, shaking their hand, good breath ( hygiene),
Other then rent, utilities, transportation and food, what other categories should a complete budget include?
What is Clothing, health care, gifts, entertainment, savings and miscellanous
A question you should ask your employer before the job starts.
What is " Do I have on the job safety training?" What are the emergency procedures in this facility?"
This amount gets added to your total owing at the end of each month if you fail to pay off the balance by the due date.
What is interest
This is deducted from your pay cheque every month and is needed if you ever lose your job and require temporary relief.
What is employment insurance.
Always answer this question in a job interview
What is " Do you have any questions for us?"

A balanced budget is when....

What is income is greater than expenses

A right of the employee as well as a responsibility of the employer
What is the right to a safe workplace
An advantage of having a credit card
What is being able to buy things right away that you need i.e. groceries, phone bill, childrens diapers What is having a back up in case of emergencies
This is estimated and deducted off your pay cheque every month and once a year you have the chance to pay the difference or receive some money back. The more money you make, the more of this you pay.
What is income tax
About half of your job interview performance grade comes from this type of communication
What is non verbal
It is important to plan for these when creating a budget
What is an emergency expense i.e medical issue, vehicle maintenance etc.
These three people must be told ASAP after an injury at work
What is your doctor, your employer and the WCB
A disadvantage of having a credit card
What is the potential to increase your debt.
Possible other deductions that could come off of your pay cheque depending where you work and for which company.
What is Union dues, CPP, Long term disability, advance earnings, overtime earnings
The potential employer asks you if your married or dating someone. Can they legally ask you this question and what could your answer be?
What is no and " I don't feel comfortable answering that question at this time"
It is suggested that you set aside what percentage of your income or pay cheque for savings each month?
What is 10%
You cannot be discriminated against for any 3 of the following factors:
What are age, race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, mental disability, place or origin, marital status
The total amount of money you will owe the credit card company at the end of the month if the interest rate is 12% and you owe $1000.
What is 1120 dollars