Leaving wildlife alone
What is the best way to take care of natural ecosystems?
The UCR Alumni Center
Where was the on-campus voting center for the last election?
UCR students can get up to 2 free lunches per week
What is Meal Support?
Where UCR students can find general books and educational materials
What is Rivera Library?
UCR's mascots
What are Scotty and Norm?
As big as three school buses put together
How big is a blue whale?
The midterm elections
When is the next opportunity to vote?
3-5 days
How long can the average person go without water?
Where UCR students can find scientific books and educational materials
What is Orbach Library?
161 feet
How tall is the UCR bell tower?
The U.S. state with the greatest amount of oceanic coastline
What is Alaska?
The student initiative to get young people out to vote
What is the New Voters Project?
$410 per year
How much does the average college student pay for food?
Learning and teaching materials open for free online use
What is an Open Access Textbook?
UCR's first mascot
What is a Scottish terrier?
The largest fish in the ocean
What is a whale shark?
Mail, in person, online
What are the different ways to register to vote?
The pyramid of needs that motivate human behavior
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
How much does the average college student pay for 1 textbook?
Over 50 years ago
When was CALPIRG started?
Protecting 30% of California's coastline by 2030
What is the 30x30 initiative?
When was the New Voters Project started?
Helps students find emergency housing
What is UCR's Emergency Housing Program?
Over 1,000%
How much has the price of textbooks increased since the 1970s?
California's state flower
What is the poppy?