Domain 1
Domain 2
Domain 3 & 4
Domain 5 & 6
Domain 7 & 8

The component of phonological processing that includes the skills of word retrieval from long-term memory and word recoding and has a strong impact on reading fluency is phonological ________



Which of the following consonant phonemes require the use of the lips for articulation?

/p/ /b/ /m/ /f/


In addition to phonological processing, which of the following is an essential component of an effective evaluation of dyslexia?

a. intelligence

b. visual processing

c. math skills

d. spelling

D. spelling


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, enacted in 1975 as PL 94-142, was updated in 1990 and reauthorized in 2004. Under IDEA, "Specific Learning Disability" is an identifiable category of disability with eight academic domains. Dyslexia is included as one condition under the SLD umbrella. What does this ensure a student with an identification under IDEA?

a 504 plan, eligibility for special education and related services, and protection under civil rights law

What should an Academic Language Therapist do if a local school district reaches out requesting the records of a former student?

Receive written consent from the adult student, or from the parent or legal guardian of the minor student


What term is used to describe the matching of a sound a letter makes to the orthographic representation of that sound?

alphabetic principle

A middle school student is unfamiliar with the meaning of the word anthropomorphic. What linguistic knowledge would best enable the student to understand this word?



Which subtype of executive function that includes the capabilities of processing, storage, and retrieval impacts the decoding difficulty seen in dyslexia?

working memory aka short term memory


What two components in the simple view of reading work together to develop a student's overall reading comprehension achievement?

language comprehension and decoding


Revise the statement below.

Melissa can understand 2nd grade level text that is read to her and she does not attempt to read unfamiliar words on her own and she looks at the teacher and says, "I don't know."

Melissa can understand 2nd grade level text that is read to her. However, she does not attempt to read unfamiliar words on her own. Instead, she looks at the teacher and says, "I don't know."

This is a morpheme that can stand alone as a whole word.

Free morpheme

What is the rationale for teaching pragmatics through the use of oral language to prepare students to comprehend text?

It impact a student's understanding of implied meaning in written language.


This score is a way of dividing a distribution into nine parts, each representing a range of percentile ranks.



Federal Law. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs receiving federal money. Protects people with disabilities by allowing full participation in the workplace.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973 | 504


What refers to the rules that govern the structure of sentences?



A score that combines several scores according to a specified formula

composite score


What type of teaching involves continuous assessment and adjustment of instruction based on the student's needs?

