What Rank do you have to be to be eligible to be elected into the Order of the Arrow?
First Class
If a troop previously asked for a camp promotion video and when you show up they tell you they no longer want the video, what do you do?
Don’t show it, it's completely up to the troop what they want presented.
How long does the candidate have to do their ordeal after their election?
18 months
What percentage of active youth do you need at the meeting to hold the election?
How many nights of camping do you need to be elected into the Order of the Arrow?
15 nights of camping
What do you do if you show up and there is no projector?
This year we have mini projectors, so even if the troop does not have a big projector, you still will.
Are adults allowed to vote in the election for the youth?
Anyone under the age of 21 is allowed to vote in the election, which means that if there is an assistant scoutmaster who is 20, they can vote.
How many people do you need on your election team?
At least one adult and one youth NOT from the unit the election is at, two youth is the ideal but no more than three youth.
How many nights need to be from a long term camp?
If you can’t get the projector to work should you cancel the election?
No! The election video is helpful, but if it doesn’t work and you've tried everything just do an oral presentation about the outdoor opportunities you know.
Is a troop allowed to not let their crossover scouts vote because they don’t believe the crossovers know the candidates well enough?
No, but the troop has the ability to suggest that those scouts abstain so that it's fair to the candidates.
What color are the election folders this year?
How do Adults get nominated?
For every one youth, two thirds adults (rounded up) can be nominated. Then chosen by adult nomination committee
What are 4 out of 5 of the camp promotion videos? (bonus point if you name the 5th)
The OA election video, OSR video, Webelo at wolverine, Cub camp at Betz, and the bonus is the Takhone video filmed at OSR that is trash that we don’t use anymore.
What to do if someone was forgotten about who was eligible during the first election?
Go to the LEC, ask to hold another election and then only an election for those who were missed
What to do for a B/G troop? (non pilot program)
Do the election talk together but do two separate elections.