Grammar - talking about the past
Grammar - conditionals
Vocabulary - collocations (give, make, get, do)
Miscellaneous vocabulary knowledge
Writing strategies

I (have) dinner when she (call) me.

I was having dinner when she called me.


If you (mix) red and blue, you (get) purple.

If you mix red and blue, you get purple.


___ something a miss (+ extra 100 points for being able to define the phrase)

give something a miss

"Give something a miss" is an informal expression that means to choose not to do something or to deliberately avoid participating in an activity or event. It suggests making a conscious decision to skip something, often because you're not interested, don't feel like it, or think it's not worth doing.


If someone is consciencious, what is their strongest asset? (The answer to this doesn't have to be an exact match.)

They are doing tasks dilligently/dutifully.


A report and review are both written in an informal style. T/F


Report is formal, review is informal


They (know) each other since they (be) in school.

They have known each other since they were in school.


If it (rain) tomorrow, we (stay) indoors.

If it rains tomorrow, we will stay indoors.


_____ a speech, lecture, talk, performance

give a speech, lecture, talk, performance


If someone is genuine, what are they like? (The answer to this doesn't have to be an exact match.)

They always tell the truth, are honest, are not two-faced.


What are three important things you should or shouldn't do in an FCE article?

eg. engage the reader, use catchy language, use strong adjectives


She (never, see) the ocean before she (go) on vacation.

She had never seen the ocean before she went on vacation.


If she (be) more confident, she (apply) for the promotion.

If she were more confident, she would apply for the promotion.


____ an activity
/ business
/ harm
/ household chores/ one’s best

do an activity
/ business
/ harm
/ household chores/ one’s best


Provide a synonym for "put something down to"

attribute sth to; Her recent success at work can be put down to her hard work and dedication over the past year.


What are three important things you should or shouldn't do in a CAE essay?

eg. never use I and you, never use contractions, always reach a conclusion = explain which side of the argument is better


1x would, 1x used to: We ________ visit our grandparents every Sunday, and they __________ (+ always) bake us cookies.

We used to visit our grandparents every Sunday, and they would always bake us cookies.


If they (know) about the traffic, they (leave) earlier.

If they had known about the traffic, they would have left earlier.


____ a proposal/ a suggestion/ an apology

make a proposal/ a suggestion/ an apology


What is the difference between "fall apart" and 

"Fall apart" is about things breaking down, whether it's objects, situations, or emotions.

"Fall out (with someone)" is specifically about having a disagreement or argument with someone, leading to a damaged relationship.


What are three important things you should or shouldn't do in a CAE review?

eg. engage the reader, write an interesting introduction, use rhaetorical questions, describe the reviewed item, use phrasal verbs, contractions, I, have a summary and recommendation in the conclusion


He (work) there for ten years before he retired.

He had been working there for ten years before he retired.


If he (listen) to the advice, he (not be) in this situation now.

If he had listened to the advice, he would not be in this situation now.


what is the difference between "give an impression" and "make an impression/a good impression"?

Meaning: "Give an impression" refers to the way someone or something presents itself or seems to others, whether intentionally or unintentionally. It focuses on the perception created by someone's behavior, appearance, or actions.

  • Usage: This phrase is often used when describing the impression that is conveyed, not necessarily the effect it has.
  • Examples:
    • Her calm demeanor gives the impression that she's very confident. (She appears confident to others.)
    • The old building gives the impression of neglect. (The building appears neglected.)

Meaning: "Make an impression" refers to leaving a noticeable or memorable impact on someone, often in a social or professional context. When you "make a good impression," it specifically means that the impact is positive.

  • Usage: This phrase is used to describe the effect someone has on others, typically in a way that is intended to be lasting or favorable.
  • Examples:
    • He made a strong impression during the interview. (He left a noticeable impact, likely positive.)
    • She really made a good impression on her new boss. (She left a favorable and memorable impact.)

If you can describe exactly the things you need, you can express yourself a____



What are three important things you should or shouldn't do in a CAE report?

eg. use headlines, be impersonal, use formal language, avoid contractions
