Alex Trivia
Stupid Answers
4-Letter Words
Summer Things
Wild Card

This is the number of guys your host has rejected or friend-zoned.

What is "3"?


This is the first verb found in the Pledge of Allegiance. 

What is "pledge"?


This word is used to describe someone's "distant" or "frosty" behavior. It can also be used to refer to a common viral infection.

What is "cold"?


This object, commonly found on beaches, come from the bodies of small creatures. Many collect them.

What are seashells?


This was the first woman to recieve a nobel prize for her significant discovory of a rather dangerous material.

Who was Marie Curie?


This is your host's secondary home, or house.

Hint: It's in the name

What is Waffle House?


The logo of this brand depicts an arm holding a hammer

What is Arm and Hammer?


This word is commonly used to refer to the action of "contaminating" food or drink with drugs. It is also a noun that refers to a material commonly used in women's clothing. Adds detail to wedding dresses.

What is "lace"?


This fruit is very popular in the summer, and is a different color on the outside than on the inside. The average American eats 16 pounds of the fuit per year.

What is watermelon?


This famous Disney character's first words were "hot dog".

Who is Mickey Mouse?


This is your host's age + the planned # of years spent in braces (whole number) + the grade number your host is entering next year.

What is 26?

Correct expression: 14+3+9


In 1981 this 9-letter word was added to the state flag of Wisconsin

What is "Wisconsin"?


This word means "nothing", or "no quantity". It can be used in the blank of the following sentence:

"Drew has pulled ____ girls (and for good reason)."

What is "zero"?


DOUBLE JEAPORDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This iced summer drink often has tiny umbrellas in it. They aren't kid friendly.

What are cocktails?


This is the most rare color of M&M. It is also the last name of a popular cartoon character.

What is "brown"?


This is the character from Star Wars that your host would TOTALLY hook up with (he's sooo cute). He's present in both the prequals and originals, but only his prequal version is hot.

And contrary to popular opinion, it is NOT Jar-Jar Binks.

Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi?


A cation is a positively charged one of these; an anion is a negatively charged one

What is an ion?


In the modern sense, this word means to be "progressive" or, in some communities, "radical". The standard definition is the past tense version of a word meaning "to be roused". Fun fact: it was used at the dinner table today.

What is "woke"?


The women of the Cameron family worship this summer-substance as if it were a deity. It comes in different forms, and acts as a sheild against the life-force of the universe.

What is sunscreen?


These tissues found in the human body connect muscles to bones.

What are tendons?


This is the number of musical instruments your host has in their room (including their primary instrument).

Take your best guess ;)

What is 15?


This Washington D.C. monument stands near the Potomac, about halfway between the Capitol & the Lincoln Memorial

What is the Washington Monument?


This word is used in this cursed phrase:

"Roll ____!"

What is "tide"?


This is an article of summer clothing that can be found for cheap, and often break. Though disliked by some, you will often find annoying children wearing them. This item is rather noisy when in use. Fun fact: you host doesn't own any.

What are flip flops?


This is the national animal of Scotland.

What is a unicorn?
