Should I write in a camper if they are not in the roster ?
What is No, never write them in
Is the office a hang out spot ?
What is Chino shorts/pants , blue Ymca shirt, close toed shoes,& a watch. Only on Mondays
Where does lost and found go ?
a camper came in late should I check them in ?
What is Yes, always check in a late camper
Can I put my food in the office ?
What is No food allowed in the office
What time should I arrive at work ?
What is 5 minutes before my shift ?
Does the office call for head counts ?
What is yes , randomly
What time should I turn in rosters?
What is 8:30am?
Can I drop off my camper in the office if they are behaving bad ?
What is no , only your head counselor/ leadership can
When is swim days
Communicate to who if a camper is not in your roster ?
What is leadership team ?
When should I complete my roster?
What is immediately following rides in
Am I responsible for charging my walkie ?
What is YES and keep it organized.
Can I chew gum at camp ?
What is No
What does a roster communicate to you/huddle ?
What is that you have the correct campers?
Why should I turn in my rosters ?
What is headcount ?
What should I grab when entering the office ?
What is huddle bookbag
When is at all times , everyday !
medicine and sunscreen can be carried by a camper?
What is No, no camper should have their medicine or sunscreen with them unless said other wise by your head counselor/ leadership