Tips & Tricks
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If you swallow a watermelon seed, it will grow in your stomach...myth or truth?

Myth! It passes through your system just like everything else. Even if it didn't, your stomach acid would obliterate the seed anyway. 


A goldfish's memory only lasts for ~3 seconds...myth or truth?

Myth! Goldfish have been found to have a memory storage of up to 3-5 months. Their attention span though? Probably closer to 3 seconds.


Lemons float, but limes sink...myth or truth?

Truth! Although they're very similar, limes are more dense, meaning they sink in water. 


Bananas grow on trees...myth or truth?

Myth! Bananas actually grow on a giant bush that is mistaken for a tree. 


Pigs can't look up...myth or truth?

Truth! Pigs can't look up due to their thick neck and muscles around their neck. 


If you eat a banana and Sprite at the same time, it will make you throw up...myth or truth?

Myth! Normally eating a banana and drinking a Sprite doesn't cause any negative reaction. The reason people throw up is because they do a challenge where they eat 2 bananas and chug a can of Sprite super quickly. Gross


Dogs can only see in black and white...myth or truth?

Myth! Though dogs can't see color very well, they can see some blues and yellows. They can not see reds, oranges, or greens.


Eating lots of spaghetti before a race will help you perform better...myth or truth?

Truth! Spaghetti (and pasta in general) has a ton of carbohydrates...a type of nutrient your body needs for energy. Eating pasta before a race allows your body to store all those carbs as sugar, a.k.a. fuel. 


Humans share 50% of our DNA with bananas...myth or truth?

Truth! Although, don't be misled. Lots of organisms share a lot of DNA with others since we all evolved from the same lifeforms millions and millions of years ago. Humans do share ~98.8% our DNA with chimpanzees! 


Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so that they don't float away. 

Truth! I have no explanation, it's just super cute. 


If you swallow gum, it will take 7 years to digest...myth or truth?

Myth! Gum takes the same amount of time to pass through your system as everything else...about 36 hours on average. Gum does not digest though, it comes out the same way it went in. 


Sharks can smell blood from miles away...myth or truth?

Myth! Although sharks have an insane sense of smell, it's not that good. Sharks have the ability to detect one drop of blood inside an Olympic sized swimming pool. In the ocean however, a shark can smell and track blood from a few football fields away, not miles.


Humans can't breath and swallow at the same time...myth or truth?

Truth! Our body has something called an epiglottis that closes our larynx (voice box...on the way to the lungs) when we swallow. This is to prevent food and liquids from getting into our lungs. 


Think of how many microscopic grains of sand are in just one sandbox. The beach? The Sahara desert? The whole planet? 

There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth...myth or truth?

Truth! Although scientists estimate there are about 7,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 grains of sand on the Earth (that number is called 7.5 sextillion), scientists also estimate that there are about 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (200 sextillion) stars in the universe. 


The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body...myth or truth?

Myth! Although the tongue is quite strong relative to its size, the strongest muscle in most humans is the jaw muscle!


It's impossible to eat one spoonful of cinnamon without vomiting...myth or truth?

Truth! Even just one small spoonful of cinnamon is impossible for humans to eat without vomiting. It dries out your mouth and can also cause choking...don't try it!


Polar bears are black...myth or truth?

Truth! Polar bears have solid black skin. It's only their hair which is white, to help them blend in with their surroundings (snow). 


An apple a day keeps the doctor away...myth or truth?

Myth! Although apples are very good for you, and you should be eating fruit every day, an apple will not prevent you from getting sick. 


A bolt of lightning has enough energy to toast 1,000,000 (1 million) slices of bread...myth or truth?

Myth! A bolt of lightning "only" has enough energy to toast 100,000 slices of bread. Or, to power a small town for one whole day. I would choose the bread. 


Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins...myth or truth?

Truth! Some sloths can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes! Dolphins have to surface for air every 8-10 minutes on average. 


Eating carrots can help improve your eyesight...myth or truth?

Myth! While many people think carrots help your eyesight, it's actually a myth that was used by America and other Allies during WWII to hide their new radar technology, saying that the reason their pilots were so good, was because they ate so many carrots. 


Crocodile tears are a real thing...myth or truth?

Truth! Crocodiles can (and do) cry! They don't cry because they're sad or because they feel bad about killing prey. Their eyes tear up when they get dry! Natural eyedrops. 


Identical twins have the same fingerprints...myth or truth?

Myth! Every person on the planet has different, unique fingerprints. 


A day on the planet Venus is longer than a year on Venus...myth or truth?

Truth! One day (the amount of time it takes for a planet to rotate) on Venus takes 243 Earth days! One year (the amount of time it takes Venus to travel all the way around the sun) takes 225 Earth days.  


You shouldn't touch a baby bird that fell out of a tree because the momma bird will smell humans and abandon the baby...myth or truth?

Myth! Birds don't really have a very good sense of smell and wouldn't abandon their baby just because a human touched it. 
