What does CGI stand for?
Name three states that counselors live in
New York, Florida, California, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ontario
How many fish are in the fish tank?
Which game was done most in camp this summer?
Who of the counselors are from Canada?
Tanya, Deena
What is a steamroller?
A truck that flattens asphalt
Which camper - including the oldest boys - has been in camp for the most amount of years?
Liam, Ofir
How many Tables are set in the lunch room
How many beans were found in the bean hunt?
How are the counselors all so awesome?
A) They went to an awesome counselor school
B) Everyone is awesome in Camp Gan Izzy
C) They were born awesome
What two counselors have the same name?
Hudi and Yehudis
How many years has there been Camp Gan Izzy in Myrtle Beach?
Name 3 holidays on art wall in hallway
Chanukah, Purim, Shabbat, pesach, Rosh Hashana
What was the most famous song in camp this summer?
Eloka Demeir, Way up high
Which counselor is going to Israel this year?
What is Rochis full name?
Menucha Rochel
How many years has Rabbi Eli been the director of Camp Gan Izzy?
How big is the basketball court?
A) 600 Square feet
B) 1000 Square feet
C) 100 Square foot
Name 3 activities that used paint.
Pillows, tzedaka, Fork flowers
How many sandwiches did the counselors make this summer?
a) about 100 b) about 200 c) about 500
Who is the Yisrael in "Camp Gan Yisrael"?
Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov
How many kids in camp, are children of campers on Camp Gan Izzy?
A) About 25 B) About 15 C) About 10
D) About 5
How many perler beads did Camp have at the beginning of camp?
A) 10,000
B) 20,000
C) 40,000
D) 50,000
5 activities that were food related?
Sprinkle cookies, ice cream, smoothies, watermelon, mentos coke, carnival twizllers, fluff
What are the brick colors for each bunk.
Pink, Purple, blue, green, yellow